The second round of first aid for the affected farmers has opened – 2024-02-25 00:15:03

The second round of first aid to agricultural holdings and livestock units, affected by the floods of September 2023 in Thessaly and other regions, has begun, in a context of close cooperation with the Independent Public Revenue Authority.

As stated in an announcement, the first aid platform,, reopened from Monday, February 5, 2023, so that eligible farmers affected by the extreme floods of September 2023 in Thessaly can modify the application them or to submit a new application until Monday, February 19, 2024, in accordance with the relevant joint ministerial decision (Β΄ 860).

The second cycle is implemented as a continuation of the first, during which approximately 40 million euros have already been granted to more than 19,000 agricultural holdings and livestock units that applied for the granting of first aid through the platform and were cross-referenced with the data of declaration of damage to ELGA.

During the second cycle, interested parties will have the opportunity through the first aid platform,, to submit their (revised or new) request in case they judge that they have very serious or very serious damage to equipment , raw materials, stored goods, damaged vehicles and land capital.

Specifically, in addition to the first aid they have received to date, the beneficiary farmers will be able to submit a request for:

  • Additional first aid of 5,000 euros in cases where they judge that they have suffered very serious damage to the items included in the state aid, with the first aid amounting to a total of 7,000 euros.
  • Additional first aid of 10,000 euros in cases where they judge that they have suffered very serious damage to the items included in the state aid, with the first aid amounting to a total of 12,000 euros.

Accordingly, livestock units will be able to submit a relevant request for additional first aid of 10,000 euros in cases where they consider that they have suffered very serious damage to the items included in the state aid.

It should be noted that the payment of the first aid aid once morest a grant to agricultural holdings or livestock units and businesses is paid following cross-checking the applications with the details of the applications submitted to the Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization (ELGA), as well as the relevant Regional Units, for the recording and damage assessment by the State Aid Committees.

It is recalled that businesses and farmers who have submitted an application to the first aid platform must submit a relevant file to the relevant Region, so that, on the one hand, the intersections can be made and, on the other hand, the process of determining the grant can proceed in order to carry out the offset of the first aid and to grant the advance payment and the final amount of the state aid.

According to newsit, a process implemented by the services and echelons of the Regions under the coordination and cooperation of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, with the aim of the aid of the state – which amounts to 70% of the estimated damage – to reach the as soon as possible to those who are entitled to it.

In this direction and with a view to speeding up the procedures, farmers and breeders are requested to submit the relevant files to the authorities in the Region of Thessaly and in the Region of Central Greece by February 29, 2024, so that all procedures for the payment of both the advance payment and the final grant under the state aid.

The actions of the General Secretariat for Rehabilitation of Natural Disasters and State Aid of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection to support the affected continue at an intense pace, ensuring that aid is paid immediately, but also fairly to those of our fellow citizens in need.

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#aid #affected #farmers #opened



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