The season is open: where to find sweet and ripe watermelon in Tomsk

Dmitry Kandinsky /

Peaches, apricots, watermelons and cherries abound in Tomsk markets and retail chains. The editors of found out from the Rosselkhoznadzor where fruits are brought to the region, which suppliers are better to look at, and whether it is already possible to take watermelons.

Are the watermelons ripe?

Usually, at the end of May or at the beginning of June, greenhouse watermelons appear in the markets and retail chains of Tomsk. They are not advised to take them – the appearance will be ordinary, but the taste of an early berry differs significantly from that ripened under scorching rays.

Now ripe berries can already be found.

“The season of good watermelons has begun – you can buy ripe and sweet ones. This year the watermelon season started early. This is due to the fact that in Kazakhstan (the main supplier of berries to the Tomsk region) it is hot – watermelons have ripened and accumulated sugar. These watermelons have already appeared on the markets. Trucks with them are already in wholesale warehouses along Berdskaya Street, in the market, on Kashtak, ”says Vladislav Azarenka, deputy head of the regional department of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

The cherry is already coming off

This year, the main suppliers of cherries to the Tomsk region are traditionally Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Krasnodar. According to experts, the cherry season will soon come to an end. Therefore, those who did not have time to buy it are advised to hurry. At the same time, you can already find cherries on the shelves in Tomsk.

“I met cherries from Serbia on the shelves. They also bring cherries for sale from Altai. As for its taste qualities, I will say this – it will go for jam. Still, we do not have enough heat in Siberia,” says Vladislav Azarenka.

What is the tastiest peach?

Tomsk residents are advised to pay attention to peaches, apricots and nectarines.

“It’s peach season right now. Usually they are brought to us from Uzbekistan (90%). The rest is usually Turkey, China. Usually good peaches come to us just from Uzbekistan – they are ripe and fragrant. But this year you can also find a more or less good Turkish peach. As for the Chinese, they are usually tasteless and odorless for some reason. But, once more, this is all for an amateur, someone takes them for jam. Apricot is now in full swing, this year there was a crop for it. They are bringing him to us this year from Uzbekistan, China, Krasnodar, Azerbaijan and Turkey,” the source said.

Nectarines are supplied to the Tomsk region mainly by Uzbekistan and Turkey. The interlocutor notes that you can run into unripe ones when buying. When choosing nectarines, he advises paying attention to the following – they should be soft to the touch and fragrant.

“I prefer to take Uzbekistan, because they have less chemistry. They receive more heat and light. Plus, their delivery from Uzbekistan takes less time. If they are delivered from Turkey, then they still need to be transported by sea, which means that they will not be sent mature, they will ripen on the way. And in Uzbekistan they put them in boxes, then three or four days on the road, and they are already in Tomsk,” says Vladislav Azarenka.

From tomatoes to carrots

Tomatoes come to the region from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, you can also buy local tomatoes (there are regarding 50% of them on the shelves), Novosibirsk and Altai.

“As for tomatoes, there are many suppliers here, but Uzbek ones are traditionally considered the most delicious, but they are quite expensive. The price of them has not fallen – regarding 200 rubles per kilogram. Greenhouses from Russian suppliers can be found in the region of 80 rubles,” says Vladislav Azarenka.

Cherry tomatoes are usually brought to the Tomsk region from Turkey, Serbia. Cabbage – from Kazakhstan or from Kyrgyzstan. In ten days, according to the interlocutor, cabbage from Tomsk producers will ripen.

As for potatoes, on the shelves you can find the remains of the local. Egyptian and Krasnodar potatoes are also sold. Carrots from local producers will not appear soon, now they are mainly brought from Kyrgyzstan.



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