2023-05-01 18:23:56
At times, you would kiss them. At the Théâtre de Vidy until May 5, The Seagull d’Anton Chekhov, captured very close to the skin by the French director Cyril Teste, arouses this momentum. A tenderness, an esteem, an uprising. You hug Macha with all your heart, that desperate woman, ready for anything for a man who doesn’t love her and who ends up marrying another who venerates her; you sympathize with her husband justly, Medvedenko; you fraternize with Kostia and her 20 years who, by dint of wanting to revolutionize the theater and to pursue the fierce Nina, lose breath and reason to live. In short, we make a tribe with the Chekhovian smala and we are upset.
#Vidy #Mouette #Cyril #Teste #lifts #souls