The sea in Trieste is all about sailing, Arca wins Barcolana – ANSA Agency

When he arrived he greeted the crowd by dialing the number seven with his hands. In the previous 55 editions of the Barcolana we cannot remember anyone who won seven times.

Furio Benussi, a local navigator from a family of navigators, succeeded, from father to son, as he himself is doing with his very young and tiny daughter Marta, who at 17 years old helmed the winning boat, Arca Sgr, for a long time, steering it between muscular men accustomed to facing any sea condition even on board a walnut shell. He himself declared it: “I will soon be retired, we need to leave room for young people”. Space and rudder.

Barcolana 56 was characterized by a bit of wind, so Arca, a maxi 100, covered the 14 nautical miles in one hour and 28 minutes, dueling wave after wave with Mitja Kosmina’s 90-foot Prosecco Doc, which came in second ; Third place went to Nice, the Fiamme Gialle boat, with the Olympic champion Ruggero Tita on board. A great way to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Corps. But Generali and the small MSC, a lake boat from Switzerland that amazed, also showed excellent performances. A victory for the poor one could say: “It was a wreck”, this is how Benussi defines Arca, before it became what it later became.

“Certified as a wreck, we had the courage and vision to put it in the water.” A good wind this morning, which, unlike other years, allowed not only the maxi boats, but also the smaller boats, in short all 1,757 entrants, to cross the finish line. It didn’t seem possible initially, with the wind upwind: the crowd and the tangle of boats at the start were such that the last one to cross the starting line did so 31 minutes after the cannon salvo. A great party at sea, with many boats that, although not competing, were stationed in the sea far from the regatta field, to follow the race. And a big party on land, in a city sold out of Italian tourists and beyond, populated in the center and along the banks with hundreds of stands from every product sector.

“An extraordinary event that expresses enormous energy” commented enthusiastically Mitja Gialuz, patron of the Barcolana, at the end of the regatta. This was echoed by the governor of Fvg, Massimiliano Fedriga: “A unique event in the world that continues to surprise. Once again it was a Barcolana above expectations with an extraordinary popular participation that surprises edition after edition. A magic that punctually repeats itself.” Emergency was also in the water (on board Ancilla Domini, Andrea Illy’s 24.5 meter Farr 80), with an exceptional crew: Caterina Banti, Ambrogio Beccaria, Alberto Bona, Alberto Riva and Giovanni Soldini, who brought solidarity to the Barcolana of Trieste to the finish line. Among the pole, mainsail and ropes there was also the president of Emergency, Rossella Miccio. Finally, the Generali Women in Sailing Trophy to support mixed teams: this fourth edition was awarded to Giulia Leghissa, on Anywave Junior, the mixed crew that crossed the finish line first with a woman in the role of skipper.

The Unstoppable Furio Benussi Takes Barcolana 56!

So here we are, folks! Furio Benussi, the legendary navigator from the illustrious House of Benussi—I mean, if the family tree was a boat, it would surely win every regatta! When he arrived, he didn’t just stroll in with charisma; no, he kicked it up a notch by greeting the crowd by dialing the number seven with his hands! Suddenly, I felt underdressed—not because of my outfit, but because I couldn’t do that with my hands! Seven wins! In 55 editions, I can’t remember a single person pulling off that hat trick. I’m honestly starting to think he might just have some sea monster as a pet, guiding him along!

Now, don’t let his family lineage fool you; Furio’s success isn’t just inherited; it’s not like he rolled out of bed, waved to his family of navigators, and hopped on a boat. No, this one is an experience in sailing finesse. He’s now passing the baton—or should I say, the rudder—to his pint-sized protégé Marta. At just 17, the little captain was at the helm of the winning boat, Arca Sgr, navigating through a sea of beefcake sailors who’ve probably had a few too many nights of ‘moored’ adventures. I mean, steering that boat among those giants? Kudos to her! She’s rockin’ a boat almost as big as her ambition while steering those muscle-bound men like they’re just along for the ride—bless her!

Let’s get to the nitty-gritty of Barcolana 56. Winds were in attendance! Not the “let’s just get everyone tangled up in sails” kind of breeze, but the kind that made the 14 nautical miles seem like a Sunday stroll. Arca, the big daddy of boats at a solid 100 feet, finished in a super speedy hour and 28 minutes. Sounds like someone opted for a turbo boost! They were battling it out wave after wave with Mitja Kosmina’s 90-foot Prosecco Doc. Now that’s a name! If they were any closer, I’d suggest they start sharing a wine bottle! Coming in third were the Olympic champions Ruggero Tita and his crew on Fiamme Gialle, looking chic and medal-ready.

Speaking of chic, the boat Generali and the cheeky MSC from Switzerland stood out! I mean, who knew a “lake boat” could shock its way through a regatta? It’s like showing up to a yacht party in a rubber dinghy and still making it cooler than everyone else! You have to love Furio’s humility: “It was a wreck,” he boldly claims of Arca, before it became – well, a winner. Talk about a transformation that would make any DIY project jealous!

The conditions were so delightful that all 1,757 entrants managed to complete the course! Yes, you heard that right—everyone got a turn! It was like that moment at a club where everyone gets a shot at the dance floor, no one left behind. And, oh my goodness, did the spectators show up! Picture a massive crowd enjoying the regatta like it was a free concert, except this one involved shimmering sails and zero chance of a mic drop!

“An extraordinary event that expresses enormous energy,” claimed Mitja Gialuz, the patron of Barcolana. Now that’s a statement! His energy was matched only by the governor of Fvg, Massimiliano Fedriga, who seemed equally thrilled. It’s as if they both just drank a gallon of espresso! “A unique event in the world that continues to surprise,” he said. At this rate, they might need to consider a t-shirt cannon for next year!

Not to forget the heroic crew members on Ancilla Domini—who not only sailed but brought a sense of solidarity to the event. Meanwhile, on a lighter note, the Generali Women in Sailing Trophy was awarded to Giulia Leghissa. She’s on Anywave Junior which claimed first place with our girl in the skipper role. Wow, a win for women! Listen, if I could send a medal that says “Girl Power,” I would!

And there you have it, folks—the Barcolana 56! A social event, a party at sea, and a showcase of sheer talent and fun, all making history. I mean, the report alone might just win an award, if they gave prizes for combining sailing, humor, and slight envy! Until next time, may your sails always be full, your waters clear, and your jokes just as buoyant!



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