“The Scientific and Technological Advancements Behind the Construction of Large Dams in Guyana: Insights from Luis Fuenmayor Toro”

2023-05-22 21:19:56

The scientific and technological development that allowed the construction of large dams in Guyana

Luis Fuenmayor Toro

Although some may not like it, man’s progress over time is closely linked to the permanent generation of increasingly complex technical and scientific knowledge, which are ultimately what have allowed him to build the world we know today, to permanently improve their living conditions, successfully face the collateral damage that their productive activities and others generate, and reach the astronomical figure of almost 9 billion people on earth. The confused point out that knowledge must be buried that, among other serious things, has turned our oceans into garbage dumps, which is a manipulative exaggeration, since it would suffice to go to the beautiful beaches of Margarita, Morrocoy, Mochima, not to mention numerous other places. of the world, to realize that the expression is at least very unfortunate.

The seas and oceans, like the land, have been used by human beings forever, as places to obtain food and final disposal of many wastes created by their actions, including production. Living beings in general, although not with the same intensity, pollute the environment, but the difference with humans is that they know it and can, precisely using scientific and technological knowledge, successfully face this contamination and end up cleaning oceans and repair serious ecological damage elsewhere. Saying this seems unnecessary, but before highly ideologized, ignorant and fanatical people, one sometimes has to defend what one normally would not have to defend.

How not to defend the knowledge that ended polio in the world, through vaccines created in the “detestable” developed countries; the knowledge that created the vaccines once morest measles, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, rubella, meningitis, with the consequent benefit of humanity, including Venezuela; How not to celebrate the sciences that helped to eradicate malaria, bilharzia and other infectious diseases in Venezuela, during the “hateful” quarter-republican past, and that today have been allowed to return in a very revolutionary way, and to kill our poorest compatriots, the alleged beneficiaries of this process.

I applaud the scientific and technological development that allowed the construction of large dams in Guayana, so that Venezuelans had that “trifle” they call electricity. That allowed China to build and launch two artificial satellites in Venezuela, thus initiating control of our communications. The scientific knowledge that allows the “fearsome” global pharmaceutical chemical industry to manufacture antiparasitics that help prevent our children from suffering from hookworm, threadworm, ascariasis, taeniasis, filariasis, and strongyloidiasis, medicines that we might well be producing, instead of buying them in India.

Scientific knowledge is the same that China, Russia, the US, Iran, Europe, Japan, Cuba, both Koreas and many more manage, and that is not to blame for what capitalists, socialists or others do with it, but with the that the destructive effect of the ozone layer produced by the gases used in cooling equipment: refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners was successfully confronted, replacing them with compounds without this harmful effect. With the one that confronts the chemical insecticides that pollute our soils, waters and food, through biological insecticides. Knowledge that can resolve the contamination of Lake Maracaibo, Lake Valencia, and the Guaire River, not precisely generated by “bourgeois” science, and that finally allows us to bathe in all of them, as Chávez wanted. That it confront the felling of large forested areas in our Amazon, and the contamination with mercury, produced by the unbridled exploitation of gold in Guyana, also revolutionaryly allowed by the civic-military… police government (God take us confessed) of Maduro.


THE AUTHOR is a physician-surgeon, Ph. D., tenured professor and ex-rector of the UCV, researcher in neurochemistry, neurophysiology, university education, science and technology. political fighter


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