The Science of Spread: How Long Does Infectiousness Last in 2024

The Science of Spread: How Long Does Infectiousness Last in 2024

Given the increase in Covid-19 cases in Mexico, The CDMX Health Secretariat (Sedesa), through an information card, called for hospitalizations due to this virus.

The document detailed that a epidemiological surveillance for this disease, in addition to urging the population to “not let their guard down.”

“Covid-19 cases in the city remain at historic lows this year, with no increases for the population. On July 15, a total of 46 rapid detection tests were carried out in health centers in the capital, of which only 13 were positive,” was mentioned.

The Science of Spread: How Long Does Infectiousness Last in 2024

Despite what was described by Sedesa, the Epidemiological Surveillance System for Respiratory Disease (Sisver) has recorded an alarming increase in the positive cases of Covid-19 in Mexicoreplicating from 175 to 429 infections during the last week.

For this reason, we tell you how many days a person who tests positive for Covid-19 is contagious in 2024.

Read here: Covid-19 in Mexico: What are the symptoms in 2024 and how long do they last?

How many days can a Covid positive person be contagious?

According to the official coronavirus.gob portal, the Ministry of Health indicates that to prevent the spread of the virus, it is necessary for people who test positive for Covid to protect themselves. for 7 days or until fulfilled 48 hours without symptoms.

Currently, scientific studies have indicated that new variants of Covid-19 They have a shorter transmission and incubation period than previous strains.

Similarly, the New Jersey Covid-19 Information Center states that infected people son highly contagious and couple of days before of presenting symptoms and during the Next 5 days. For this reason, the use of face masks is essential to prevent the spread.

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What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

Las people with Covid-19experience traits of a mild respiratory illness to moderate, which usually escalate depending on the patient, being the Older adults are the most vulnerable population, as well as those with underlying diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and cancer.

As the Mayo Clinic points out, the picture of symptoms in the new variants of Covid-19 may be as follows:

  • Hacking cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of sense of taste or smell
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Digestive symptoms such as upset stomach, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Pains such as headaches, body aches, or muscle pains
  • Fever or chills
  • Cold-like symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, or sore throat

In case you feel difficulty breathing, pressure in the chest, inability to stay awake or a blue tint to the lips, seek medical attention quickly.

#days #person #contagious
2024-09-13 05:36:13

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for‍ the title: **Covid-19 in Mexico: Current Situation and Travel Guidelines**:

Covid-19 in Mexico: Current Situation and Travel Guidelines

As of September 13, 2024, Mexico ⁢is still⁢ grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, although the number‍ of confirmed ⁤and suspected cases has been‍ decreasing in the ⁢last 9 weeks [[2]]. Despite this, cases continue to increase daily⁢ in several areas, making it essential for individuals ‍planning to travel to Mexico⁤ to stay informed ⁣about the current situation and take necessary precautions.

Epidemiological Surveillance and Hospitalizations

The CDMX Health Secretariat (Sedesa) has called for hospitalizations due⁣ to COVID-19, emphasizing the need for‍ continued epidemiological surveillance to monitor the spread of the​ disease [[4]]. The document urges ‍the population to⁣ “not let their guard ​down,” as​ COVID-19 cases in the city remain at historic lows this year, with no increases for the population [[4]].

Rapid Detection Tests

On ‌July 15, a total of 46 rapid detection tests were carried ‍out in health centers in the capital, of which only 13 were positive [[4]]. This indicates that while the number of cases may be‍ decreasing, it is still crucial to take preventative measures to avoid the spread of‍ the virus.

Traveling to Mexico

For those planning to travel to Mexico, there are no ‍entry restrictions in place, and no obligation⁣ to carry a COVID test or ‍to ​quarantine [[3]]. However,‌ it is ⁤essential to take necessary ⁣precautions to protect yourself and others from ⁤the virus.

Precautions and‍ Guidelines

Here are some guidelines to follow ⁢when traveling ‌to Mexico:

  1. Stay‍ informed: Stay⁣ up-to-date ​with the ‌latest information on COVID-19⁢ cases ​and travel restrictions in Mexico.
  2. Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands frequently, wear a mask, and maintain social distancing to reduce⁤ the risk of transmission.
  3. Get vaccinated: Make sure you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before ‌traveling to Mexico.
  4. Take‍ necessary ​precautions: Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick, and avoid touching your face, nose, and mouth.

By ‌following



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