The Science of Slimming: Expert-approved Habits for Losing Weight Without Torture or Starvation

2023-11-05 19:55:45

We have good news for you: to lose extra pounds, you don’t have to give up your usual foods, you just need to know when, where and how to eat them. We present to you a selection of scientifically approved habits that will definitely help you become slimmer without torture or starvation.

Watch for hours!

Scientists from the Weizmann Institute (Israel) argue: it is not so important what you eat, much more important is when. According to researchers, late meals, and even more so the habit (or need) to eat at night, significantly increases the risk of obesity – this is due to the dependence of metabolism on our biological clock.

Israeli scientists are sure: the best time to eat a hearty meal is four hours following sunrise. The farther from this peak, the lighter the food should be.

Keep quiet! And darkness

If a person eats in the dark (or blindfolded), he eats significantly less, researchers from the University of Konstanz (Germany) came to this conclusion. According to scientists, if a person’s eyes are closed while eating, all other senses are heightened, and the desire to satiate the body is reduced.

But gentlemen from Brigham Young University advise never to turn on music while eating: their experiments showed that subjects ate almost twice as much with music as they did in silence.

The whole point, scientists are convinced, is that the sound of chewing helps us control the amount of food we eat, and extraneous noises – even very melodic ones – distract and confuse us.

Get enough sleep

The less you sleep, the more your body craves junk food, say the authors of a study published in Micro Cap Magazine.

Source: Still from the film

According to scientists, the effect is very similar to that caused by marijuana use: to prolong the period of wakefulness, the body turns on the reward system, forcing the “owner” to eat another piece of harmful, high-calorie, fatty, but delicious food.

But you might have just slept for five more minutes.

Bite and count

If you count not calories, but the number of bites, you can lose weight faster, and most importantly, easier.

Participants in the experiment, which was conducted by researchers from Brigham Young University, counted pieces of food: as a result, each of them lost regarding two kilograms of weight in a month, without changing their usual diet.

Experts say: by counting what we eat, we begin to eat more consciously and monitor satiety much earlier. That’s why we’re losing weight.

Size matters!

But it’s not the size of the portions or the dishes – it’s the size of the table where you eat that matters.

Scientists from California Polytechnic University say: if you want to lose weight, the portions should be small, but the dinner table should be large.

Another important factor is cleanliness and order. Psychologists from the University of New South Wales (Australia) say that a messy kitchen causes unconscious stress, which in turn can make us eat more than we intended – up to twice as much. Mom was right, the kitchen needs to be cleaned more often.

#strange #habits #slimmer



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