The Science of Hypnosis: Unveiling the Truth Behind Hypnotherapy and its Benefits

2023-12-17 20:00:00

Diverted for entertainment purposes, hypnosis can nevertheless be part of a global process of psychological therapy. Scientific research has established how hypnosis works.

Hypnotherapy allows you to achieve a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. It acts on both the physical and the psychological. A practitioner (doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist) trained in hypnosis guides the patient into this deep state of concentration and relaxation through words, repetitions and images. This altered state of consciousness allows the person under hypnosis to ignore environmental stimuli. She is thus more receptive to suggestions guided by the therapist. This allows him to modify his behavior, or his thought patterns.

Hypnosis session: how does it work?

During a hypnosis session, the trance state in which the person is immersed seems similar to sleep. However, she is fully aware of what is happening around her, of what she is doing. When she is in this state of deep concentration, therapist speaks guided suggestions which were decided with his patient beforehand, during preparatory sessions. Indeed, a serious hypnotherapist will not practice hypnosis from the first consultation. It is imperative that he determines, with his patient, the objectives of the therapy and the process to achieve them. Guided suggestions during hypnosis sessions help achieve these goals. They are in fact better received, better heard than if they were heard in a normal state of consciousness. At the end of the session, the therapist “wakes up” his patient from the trance state, or the patient comes out of it on his own.

Hypnosis session: how to know if it worked?

It is almost impossible to know, following a hypnosis session, if it was beneficial. Hypnotherapy does not work immediately. To make a metaphor with nature, the hypnotherapist sows, through his suggestions, seeds of thoughts in the mind of his placed patient. in a trance state. If therapy works, these seeds of thoughts take root and grow. Researches established that hypnosis might help relieve pain, and managing post-traumatic stress disorder and insomnia. It might also help with depression, anxiety, smoking cessation and weight loss.

How do you know if you have been hypnotized?

It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether you have been hypnotized, as the hypnotic experience varies from person to person. However, here are some signs that might indicate that you have been hypnotized:

  • Changes in time perception: Hypnosis can make time appear to pass quickly or slowly.
  • Alteration of consciousness: You may experience an altered state of consciousness, similar to a dream state or deep meditation.
  • Relaxation profonde : Hypnosis often involves deep relaxation of the body and mind.
  • Suggestion positive : If someone hypnotized you, they may have given you positive suggestions, and you may notice changes in your behavior or thoughts followingward.
  • Partial amnesia: Some people report having partial amnesia during hypnosis, forgetting certain details of the experience.
  • Response to suggestions: If suggestions were given during hypnosis, you may find that you respond to these suggestions automatically following being awake.
  • Feeling of well-being: Hypnotized people often describe a feeling of well-being and relaxation following the session.
  • It is important to note that hypnosis is not a state of sleep, but rather a state of intense concentration. If you have any doubts regarding having been hypnotized, it is recommended to discuss the experience with the practitioner who performed the session. Additionally, it is essential to choose qualified and ethical professionals for any hypnosis-related practice.

    Do we remember a hypnosis session?

    The ability to remember a hypnosis session may vary from person to person and depends on several factors, including the depth of the hypnotic state, individual sensitivity, and the manner in which the hypnosis is performed. was induced. Here are some possible scenarios:

  • Clear memories: Some people remember perfectly what happened during the hypnosis session. They can remember suggestions, mental images and sensations experienced.
  • Partial amnesia: Other people may experience partial amnesia, forgetting certain details of the hypnosis session. This may include specific times or suggestions given during the hypnotic state.
  • Total amnesia: In some cases, a person may have complete amnesia from the session, not remembering anything that happened during hypnosis.
  • Amnesia in hypnosis is not necessarily a sign of inappropriate manipulation or suggestione. Rather, it may be part of the normal hypnotic experience, and amnesia may be used intentionally in certain therapeutic contexts to help the person forget traumatic experiences. It is important to note that hypnosis is not a sleeping state, and most people remain conscious during the session. However, hypnosis can induce an altered state of consciousness that can influence how memories are processed.

    If you have concerns regarding your memories of a hypnosis session, it is recommended to discuss your experiences with the practitioner who carried out the session. A knowledgeable professional will be able to provide you with additional information and answer your specific questions.

    How long does a hypnosis session take to take effect?

    The effect of a hypnosis session can vary from person to person, and it also depends on the specific purpose of the session, the depth of the hypnotic state achieved, and individual receptivity to hypnosis. Here are some points to consider:

  • Immediate effect : Some effects of hypnosis can be felt immediately following the session. For example, a person may feel more relaxed, calm, or have a different perspective on a specific issue.
  • Long-term effects: In some cases, the effects of hypnosis may manifest gradually over time. It depends on the type of problem or behavior for which hypnosis was used. Changes may be noticeable as the person integrates the hypnotic suggestions into their daily life.
  • Multiple sessions: Some people may need several hypnosis sessions to achieve the desired results. The effectiveness of hypnosis may depend on the complexity of the problem being treated and the person’s ability to respond to hypnotic suggestions.
  • Follow-up and personal practice: Suggestions given during hypnosis can be reinforced with personal practices, such as self-hypnosis or using audio recordings to support the suggestions.
  • It is important to note that hypnosis is not a magic solution, and results may vary. Additionally, hypnosis is often used as a complement to other therapeutic approaches and does not replace appropriate medical treatments when necessary. If you have specific expectations regarding the results of hypnosis, it is recommended to discuss these expectations with the practitioner before the session. A knowledgeable professional will also be able to give you information regarding how you might experience the effects of hypnosis and what steps you can take to support the process.

    This may also interest you :

    ⋙ Sleep: when to use hypnosis?

    ⋙ Can you manipulate someone with hypnosis?

    ⋙ Anesthesia under hypnosis: how does it work?

    ⋙ Do you know how to practice self-hypnosis?

    ⋙ Hypnosis: art and matter

    #hypnosis #session #worked



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