The Science of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: From Harvest to Storage

2023-11-07 17:13:00

Another important data found on many sites is the time that elapses between the harvest and the production of oil and which, according to specialists, should not exceed a few hours so that the products maintain their freshness and their phenol content. . California, which has only been mass producing extra virgin olive oil for a few decades, employs a modern method of planting special dwarf trees right next to each other to allow for rapid harvesting by machine.

But according to Kiara Koutoulakis, director of communications and sales at Koronekes, in Crete, small producers of premium oil who harvest by hand also aim for such speed. “The fresher they are, the better they are,” she says. Olives are very fragile fruits. »

She adds that Koronekes picks the olives early in the harvest period, before they turn black, when phenols are at their highest levels.

Since large producers extract the oil via centrifuge, the words “first cold pressed” do not appear on major brands. But small companies like Koronekes, which continue to press their olives, use the term to distinguish the initial vintage, which is richer in flavor.

Once the bottle is home, time is of the essence.

“I always say that extra virgin olive oil loses its extra virginity over time,” says Selina Wang. According to her, even if the product’s expiration date is in two years, once opened, extra virgin olive oil should be seen as a perishable product and consumed within four months.

Never store oil near a heat source, especially next to or above your oven, as many people do, she reminds. And don’t leave it uncapped for too long when preparing meals, because oxygen is the enemy of its phenols.

The downside of extra virgin olive oil is that its price is expected to rise significantly due to floods, forest fires, droughts, frosts and other problems affecting olive growing around the world. Although it is best to buy it fresh, if you do not want to stock up while prices are relatively low, store the product in a cool place away from light or, if you do not plan open it before several months, in the freezer or refrigerator, advises Selina Wang.

But don’t open it until you’re ready to use it and avoid putting it back in the refrigerator or freezer. “If the oil has to return to room temperature repeatedly, it might change its taste and appearance,” she explains.

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