The school janitor had converted a container into a studio apartment [εικόνες- βίντεο]

According to reports from citizens, the Municipality of Volos knew for two years the situation prevailing at the school, which is located in a “red zone”, i.e. in an area where trafficking takes place, while the parents will report to the Prosecutor every discussion held with the municipal authority which had been requested to put an end to the status quo.

For two years the parents demanded explanations, asked for solutions, but – as they say – received no answers. There were incidents at the school, beatings with extracurriculars, fights between the children and the school guard was missing.

“He refused to work and in the container he always had the windows closed. How he supervised the school, without having any contact, only he knows. He was argumentative, provocative and his associations strange. The users from the school held a parade because the neighborhood is the square of Volos. I don’t know if he had made the container a studio apartment, but certainly the prevailing situations and the groups he brought into the school were marginal. When members of the Association of Parents and Guardians opened the door once, they saw inside the container garbage and drinks, an incredible stench, but there was no bed. It was a horrible smelly image and we didn’t want our children to have contact with this scene,” a parent told

The container had been turned into a house. The 60-year-old school guard had transported clothes, a refrigerator and personal belongings, while the second school guard did not want to enter her shift inside the container, which was supposed to be a place for their own rest.

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