the scenario changes – The Time

Are we approaching the end of summer? This is the question that Italians are asking themselves most, these days hit by a clear change in the pace of the weather. What should we expect? The forecasts curated by Paolo Sottocorona and broadcast live on La7 shed light on the situation. “The low pressure vortex, which is bringing instability to much of our regions, is expected to move towards the Balkans. This change in scenario will allow the weather to stabilize, with a gradual increase in temperatures but without returning to the temperatures of a few days ago”, said the expert.

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In other words, “a typical late-season phase begins, when summer is still ending but is heading towards a pre-autumn track”. Today, “good weather is expected in the North and possible showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon in the Triveneto area. Clear or partly cloudy in the Center. Variable weather in the rest of the South, with some thunderstorms in the inland areas”. Temperatures will rise “in the Center, in Emilia-Romagna and in Sicily”. Thursday, August 22, however, the day will be “mostly sunny, but with cloud cover on the Alpine and Apennine reliefs” in the North.

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In the Center “the sky will be clear or partly cloudy. In the South the weather will be mostly sunny. Temperatures stable”, continued the meteorologist. On Friday 22nd the context “will improve”. Weather “clear or partly cloudy in the North. Cloudiness on the mountains”. “Lots of sun in the Center and residual instability in the South, with some thunderstorms”, he concluded.

#scenario #Time
2024-08-22 09:23:14



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