The scariest elevator in the UK doesn’t stop

Al see the gifThat comes to mind? Terror? elevators? You are close. As it turns out, it’s one of the few things my hometown of Sheffield in the UK is known. Beyond of stainless steel and the Arctic Monkeys (The best band of all time), there is another little not so famous oddity: the elevator Our father.

The Our father It works much like an elevator that moves people up and down. down through a tall building in a booth. But unlike an elevator, the paternoster rotates multiple booths smallers that pass through each floor of the building, without stopping. you just walk in and you go out. sounds crazy.

The paternoster is in the Tower of the Arts of the University

The paternoster is in the Tower of the Arts of the University
Photo: Stephen Richards via Wikimedia Commons

No need to push a button and wait for doors to open on your floor. Noel Our father it is fully open at all times, moving slowly through the building. Slow enough for you to jump in and out of the cab While moving around, don’t be as intimidating as it looks.

One of the last elevators Our father that remain is located in Sheffield, inside the University’s Arts Tower, a 20-story building that was built brick by brick in the 1960s. It consists of 38 cabins to get people up and down several floors.

When each car reaches the top of the tower, they roll onto the elevator mechanism to begin their descent. Everything has much sense when you see it in action.

It may sound like Science fiction o potentially scary, but it’s a pretty nifty way to move through a tall building. There are an excellent video by Tom Scott explaining how the elevator works and security mechanisms don’t lose an arm. The most exciting thing is that shows you what happens when the booths pass over. It’s a short video and entertaining showing off some of the strange technology with whom we have been working in the UK on The last decades.

Paternoster Lifts: Dangerous, Obsolete and Quite Fun (including over the top!)

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