The Scandalous Actions of the Current Congress: A Deep Dive into Controversial and Illegal Activities

2023-07-17 05:28:00

About to complete two years of management, the current Congress has done nothing more than earn the disapproval of its own constituents, since during that period there have been multiple controversial and illegal actions that have completely dented its image.

So much so, that at this point, it can be said, there are not only formal benches and regulated by the Mayor’s Office, but others that group them for reasons of an immoral or criminal nature as never before.

For example, there is the “bancada” of those who are facing legal cases, that of those who have cut the wages of their workers, that of “Los Niños”, who favored the government of Pedro Castillo with their votes, or the one that is growing the most. lately: That of those who travel abroad with tickets and per diem paid by private companies.

The members of these “benches” intersect with each other because they are not exclusive: You can belong to more than one at the same time because their compositions are not ideological but the negative common denominator that groups them together (see infographic).


Let’s start with a “bench” that, apparently, has many more members than it now houses. It might be the oldest and soon surpass that of “Los Niños. We refer to the “Mochasueldos”, which includes Heidy Juárez, Katy Ugarte, María Acuña, Rosío Torres, María Cordero, José Arriola, Hilda Portero, Jorge Flores, Edgar Tello and Magaly Ruiz.

Almost all of this group has gone through the Ethics Commission, but they have not received the corresponding sanction. At least Juárez, Ruiz and Torres were shielded by that working group when their suspension was reduced to a public reprimand with suspension of their assets. In other words, they take refuge in impunity.

However, in order for some cases to continue in other commissions, such as the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations, Congresswoman Kira Alcarraz endorsed the constitutional complaints of four controversial legislators: Rosío Torres, Magaly Ruiz, María Acuña and Katy Ugarte.


Another bench that has always “shined” is that of “Los Niños”. There are Betssy Chávez (suspended), Hilda Portero, Luis Aragón, José Arriola, Katy Ugarte, Francis Paredes, Pasión Dávila, Silvia Monteza, Pedro Martínez, Carlos Zeballos, Germán Tacuri, Óscar Zea, Paul Gutiérrez, Edgar Tello, Américo Gonza, Carlos Alva and Wilson Soto.

All of them face a preliminary investigation in the Prosecutor’s Office -among others- for criminal organization.

Meanwhile, the one we describe below is a “bank” that has made news in recent days. It is “The Travelers”. There are Karol Paredes Silvia Monteza, Ilich López, Jorge Flores, Kelly Portalatino and Elizabeth Medina. Luis Aragón and Patricia Chirinos, who traveled to Spain thanks to the Huawei company, have also joined. Let us remember that Aragon is president of the Transport and Communications Commission.

According to experts such as Alejandro Rospigliosi and Iván Lanegra, Secretary General of Transparency, traveling with tickets paid for by a private company would configure the delivery of gifts, which also violates the Parliamentary Code of Ethics.

But there is more. Another “bench” is that of those legislators who have been sanctioned for different cases by Congress itself. There are Freddy Díaz, Betssy Chávez, Pasión Dávila and Enrique Wong.

The first two have been suspended from their congressional functions and the other two had sanctions for certain terms that they have already completed.


What has made this Congress reach this very poor level? For the political analyst Luis Nunes -in effect- this Parliament is worse than others that the country has had because there are those who place their interests above technical and representation functions.

“In other legislatures we have had dog-killers, foot washers, cable-robbers and now we have this one where there are pure ‘Niños’ and other unpresentables, and for which the Ethics Commission has not done much,” he told Correo.

He adds that this type of action “not only stains the powers of the State but also does terrible damage to democracy.”

In the same sense, the expert Juan De la Puente considers that it is indisputable that it is a lousy Parliament and everything indicates that “we have hit rock bottom.”

He argued that we are in a moment of the crisis of representation in which the walls that separate the left and the right have been broken and that since ideological identities have been destroyed “what survives is a kind of toxic, desperate representation of survival.” .

“We are facing the organization of a private agenda full of interests. We have a Parliament that has privatized politics. It has turned parliamentary politics into a personal matter where the benches, the parties, the programs and even less the job offers are not worth it ”, he pointed out.

He adds that the privatization of politics is driven by the fact that there is no parliamentary re-election and they know that it is the only opportunity they have to achieve personal advantages.

“Politics is a public matter, but Congress has become a private matter. By privatizing the interests have been privatized. Now they don’t care regarding anything, only them. More than sharing there is an exchange of impunities (in the Ethics Commission) ”, he added.

The criminal justice Javier Aguirre estimated that cases such as those of “Los Niños” or “Mochasueldos” can only go to preparatory investigation next year, despite the fact that there is serious information once morest the legislators. “We are going to celebrate one year since the preliminary investigation began in the ‘Los Niños’ case and it is possible that the high school will be seen in the same period of time,” he said.

#banks #Congress #ruins #POLICY



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