The scam runs on the web with the promise of easy and fast money – Il Messaggero

The final promise is always the same: easy, fast money, that you can earn from home, moving at most from the bedroom to the kitchen and above all using a smartphone or computer. Miracle of technology, it is not even you who has to look for such a lucrative job, but it is the job that comes looking for you, even if it does not even know you. The new scam that has been circulating on Whatsapp for some time has also arrived on the phones of the people of Pescara, with three variants: that of the “lucky group”, that, even fresher, of the administrator of a phantom “instagram project” and then the most rooted, which has been circulating for a couple of months, of the “human resources department of Tik Tok”. The origin of the phone numbers is strictly foreign, sometimes even from unusual countries, such as Tajikistan. The sender is obviously any name without other personal details. The message is forwarded and the original comes from Sara Lily, apparently a manager or something similar. The idea is obviously that you don’t even ask yourself how they thought of you on the other side of the world. And especially because the text is all in Italian. But the offer is so tempting that it could even erase the idea of ​​asking you a question, according to the writer. And it goes like this: “Hi everyone, I’m the general manager of the Instagram project. I’m currently hiring a part-time team to work from home. No working hours are required and payment is immediate. Daily pay: up to 800 euros. Newcomers receive 5 euros immediately. If you are interested, please add a customer service request online on WhatsApp by clicking the button below”. The button is a “message the company”. Click it and the scam starts: the request, with some absolutely slight variations, is to like videos, photos or similar that are sent by a supposed administrator. Two or three, no more, enough to accumulate a small credit that can be cashed in together with the five euros promised for having decided to participate in the project. All you have to do is send a screenshot that proves that you have completed the mission to be admitted to cash in. At that point the conversation moves to Telegram and you start interacting with a bot that either takes you down a path that convinces you to formalize personal data that is then acquired and used to cannibalize credit cards or current accounts, or inserts you into groups that are mostly fictitious, that work with cryptocurrencies. In this second case the scam works in a fairly complex way: you witness an exchange of messages between people who seem to multiply their investments. In reality, they are still bots and some unsuspecting testimonials who have already fallen into the trap. You pay a sum, the sum multiplies, but to unlock it they ask you to pay more money, then more. When you realize you have been scammed, it is too late: you protest, you threaten, but you are expelled from the group and the money is irretrievably lost. Part of it is earnings for the organizers, part is used to finance the small payments with which new “collaborators” are captured. Also in this case, as in other scams that have occurred in the past, the Postal Police “advises not to click on links contained in messages and emails, never to provide personal information and to be wary of offers that promise easy earnings. Companies do not carry out personnel search and selection activities in this way”.




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