The San Sebastián de los Reyes Social Welfare Delegation served nearly 6,000 people in 2021

The City Council of San Sebastián de los Reyes invested, in 2021, more than 3,887,107 euros in the local Social Welfare Delegation. This figure is one of the highest in recent years.

With this great investment in this municipal area, public and free, the Town Hall The right of the most vulnerable people to live with dignity during all stages of their lives, having their social needs covered, is ensured.

Throughout last year, the Sanse Social Welfare Delegation attended to a total of 5,893 people, 6.42% of the population residing in the town. Of these, 1,395 users registered for the first time in this free municipal public service, which ended 2021 having closed more than 3,000 open files.

Increase in applications for financial aid

Likewise, during 2021, the number of requests for financial aid that were attended also grew. In total, 5,987 Social Emergency Aids were delivered, with an investment amounting to 1,780,364.24 euros, which is 8,462.70 euros more than in 2020. In addition, Social Welfare also announced two grants; the School Canteen Aid, from which 630 minors benefited; and Grants for the acquisition of School Material, ICT Material (Information and Communication Technologies) and Textbooks, which were granted to 149 boys and girls.

Also attended by this area and its different initiatives, the older population of the town and people with functional diversity. A total of 1,089 citizens, if both groups are added. In addition, help was provided to 268 families and 373 minors in a vulnerable situation (risk, abandonment and/or social conflict) and 56 homeless people were assisted.

Projects launched in 2021

During 2021, in addition to maintaining the existing programs from previous years, three other new projects have also been launched, such as:

  • The family meeting point. This space provides professional care aimed at guaranteeing and facilitating, on a temporary basis, the meeting between minors and parents who, for various reasons, do not have custody of them. In Sanse, in 2021, 58 families made use of this service.
  • Employment Projects. They are part of the Social Inclusion Unit and have developed two initiatives. In the first place, the Training Itinerary as Support Personnel for Family and Labor Reconciliation, to which 10 people signed up and, secondly, the Labor Insertion and Activation Service, with more than 170 participants.
  • Development of the Social Cooperation Program, with which the Final Life and Solitude Project was launched, which arises from an agreement with the Los Camilos Health Humanization Center. This is aimed at older people who live in a situation of loneliness. The program has been used by 45 people, who have received telephone support from volunteers. In addition to this project, the Social and Health Coordination Table was also started, a space for coordination between professionals from public institutions in the local health and social fields.

Benefits of the municipal Social Welfare Delegation

In order to fulfill its purpose, Social Welfare offers a series of programs, resources and activities, among other issues. The services that this municipal service can offer are the following:

  • Technical features: includes professional acts carried out to meet needs raised by users of the social services system. In 2021, in Sanse more than 30% of the resources were allocated to this type of benefit.
  • Economic benefitswhich during the past year represented 52.27%, of a periodic nature or a single payment, granted to individuals or families to facilitate their social integration, support the care of dependent persons, alleviate temporary situations of need or guarantee subsistence minimums.
  • material benefits: home care, telecare, day care centers, maintenance, etc. In 2021, the City Council allocated 9.21% of the total resources to this block.



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