The RV Adventures of Clarence Thomas: Financing, Luxury Trips, and Walmart Parking Lots

2023-08-05 21:10:06

267 230 $ : price in US dollars of the Prévost recreational vehicle fitted out by the specialized company Marathon, which Clarence Thomas acquired in 1999 thanks to a loan offered by a wealthy Conservative friend, Anthony Welters. According to an article from New York Times (free link), the ultra-conservative U.S. Supreme Court justice never reported that loan and it’s unclear whether he repaid some or all of it.

Before the ProPublica news site revealed that Thomas had taken several luxury trips to exotic destinations thanks to the generosity of another wealthy friend, the judge had often referred to his RV vacation to describe himself as a man. people who did not disdain stopping in Walmart parking lots. “I have no problem going to Europe, but I prefer the United States, and I prefer to see the ordinary parts of the United States,” he told the makers of a documentary about him. .

(Photo Mark Paoletta)

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Categories: United States, Justice•Tags: Anthony Welters, Clarence Thomas•

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