The Ruta del Quijote Radioclub connects from the Casa de Medrano with the world

Within its participation in the Diploma of Monuments and Vestiges of Spain, Radioclub Ruta del Quijote established nearly 300 national and international contacts from the historic enclave of the Medrano cave

The Ruta del Quixote Radioclub has carried out a successful expedition to the Medrano Cave of Argamasilla de Alba, the place where Don Quixote was created, last Saturday, September 28, managing to establish nearly 300 national and international contacts during its participation in the Diploma of Monuments and Vestiges of Spain, organized by ACRACB. The activity has not only allowed this emblematic place to be promoted, but has also strengthened ties between radio amateurs from different countries.

During the day, the club members managed to communicate with radio enthusiasts from various Spanish towns, as well as other European countries. Among the most notable international contacts were radio amateurs from Bologna (Italy), Sao Bras de Alportel and Faro in the Portuguese Algarve, Frankfurt and Detmold in Germany, Chaillac in France and even the Czech Republic.

From Radioclub Ruta del Quijote they have expressed their gratitude to the local authorities for their kindness and interest shown in the visit. “It is a pride for us to be able to collaborate with the towns of our province in their tourism work,” they stated.

The club, which defines itself more as a group of friends than as a formal organization, has taken the opportunity to invite other radio fans to join its activities. Although they are not actively looking for new members, they have made it clear that anyone interested is welcome to participate in their expeditions and enjoy the experience of doing radio in company from the places in La Mancha that make up the Don Quixote Route.



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