The Russians now claim that they did not start the war in Ukraine: what does this propaganda mean?

Distributed on Facebook recordwhich quotes V. Putin’s speech at the Valdaya Discussion Club – the annual meeting of international Russian experts.

“We did not start the so-called war in Ukraine. The purpose of the special military operation is to stop the war that the West has been waging for ten years,” V. Putin said.

However, his statements, later repeated by the country’s propaganda machine, contradict the facts and international law.

AP/Scanpix/Russian President Vladimir Putin

Admitted aggression

United Nations (UN) General Assembly in resolution EU-11/1 “Aggression against Ukraine” also defined the actions of the Russian Federation as aggression.

In addition, in 1970 October 24 The UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 2625, or “Declaration on the Principles of International Law Relating to the Peaceful Relations and Cooperation of States Guided by the Charter of the United Nations”.

The aforementioned declaration declares, among other things, that “aggression is the use of armed force by a state against the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of another state.

The document states that “Invasion by the armed forces of a state into the territory of another state, or occupation that is the result of an armed invasion,” is considered aggression.

They forgot the annexation of Crimea

It is not only 2022 that should be remembered. events. From the perspective of the UNCrimea is a territory of Ukraine, and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is occupied by the Russian Federation.

in 2014 in February Russia’s seizure of Crimea began when Russian special forces, operating without state insignia, seized the Crimean parliament building and raised the Russian flag. After the invasion of the bloodless so-called “green men”, control of the peninsula was taken over by Russian soldiers wearing no insignia.

The subsequent referendum on the status of Crimea, which was held under military occupation, did not allow for public debate or for Ukrainian political leaders to visit the Crimean peninsula.


AFP/”Scanpix” photo/Souvenir shop in Russian-annexed Sevastopol, Crimea

Referendum also violated Constitution of Ukrainebecause it did not give the right to all Ukrainian citizens to vote on the status of Crimea.

Since the introduction of military forces or occupation is also one of the forms of aggression, it can be reasonably stated that the war against Ukraine was started in 2014. started by Russia.

in 2014 March 27 in the resolution on the territorial integrity of Ukraine, the United Nations General Assembly confirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, recalled that Ukraine did not allow a referendum on the status of Crimea, declared that such a referendum was invalid, and called on states not to recognize any change in the status of the autonomous republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

in 2014 April 9 in the resolution The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe announced that in 2014 March 16 the results of the referendum and the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation have no legal force and are not recognized by the Council of Europe

in 2016 November 14 in the preliminary examination activity report The International Criminal Court has concluded that the situation in the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol amounts to an international armed conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. This confirmed the status of Crimea as a territory occupied by Russia.

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Crimea

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Crimea

Announced the start of a military invasion

Speaking that it was not Russia that started the war, V. Putin “forgets” that in 2022 February 24 he himself announced the start of a “special military operation – a military invasion of Ukraine.”

“Therefore, in accordance with Article 51 of Part 7 of the UN Charter, after receiving the sanction of the Council of the Russian Federation and implementing the friendship and mutual aid agreements with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic, which were signed on February 22 of this year. ratified by the Federal Assembly, I decided to launch a special military operation”stated V. Putin last February.

VIDEO: V. Putin: “I decided to organize a special military operation”

At the same time, the first message of the Russian Ministry of Defense since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine announced (cites “Rossijskaja gazeta”):

“In the morning, the people’s militias of the DLR and LLR, after long battles, mobilized and created military groups in order to counter the aggression of the Ukrainian armed forces on the territory of the republics. At this point, they launched a counterattack with the help of the Russian armed forces. At the moment, DLR and LLR soldiers are attacking enemy positions,” – announced in the announcement.

15min verdict: lie. Even several decisions of the international community based on the principles of international law have recognized that Russia attacked Ukraine in 2014 and launched a large-scale military invasion in 2022.

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#Russians #claim #start #war #Ukraine #propaganda
2024-08-29 03:31:18



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