The Russians launched several groups of attack UAVs into Ukraine: air defense is working – Ukrainian Pravda

Drone Shenanigans: Russia’s Nighttime Fright Show

Gather round, my lovely readers, for a right riveting report from the front lines of what seems to be the world’s most elaborate game of hide-and-seek played with drones. On October 15, in a rather theatrical twist of events, Russian troops decided to send their attack drones into Ukraine, seemingly taking us straight into an episode of inverted air warfare.

The Droning Begins

Now, let’s paint a picture here: the clock strikes 19:22. In the Sumy and Kharkov regions, whispers of danger swirl around like a bad plot twist. Shortly after, updates pour in like an incessant stream of ‘who’s coming for dinner’ alerts, each one more urgent than the last.

“At 19:50, the threat seemed to really take off,” said no one in a serious tone, while checking their watch anxiously. And there it is! Drones spotted zipping around like they were on a Sunday drive.

Many Drones, Many Directions

Fast forward to 21:00, and our drone friends are everywhere—Sumy, Poltava, Kyiv, Cherkasy—quite the geographical extravaganza! Who knew that evening engagements typically included aerial units flitting about? Sounds like a nasty twist on the typical dinner party.

  • 21:00: Threat level: “Hold onto your hats!”
  • 21:15: Drones reported dancing over Poltava. “Maybe they’re just auditioning for Ukraine’s Got Talent?”
  • 22:33: A little late-night alert in Kyiv. Air raid sirens blaring their best impersonation of a jazz cat.

By 23:41, the updates have become an aerial bingo game! The more areas mentioned, the lower your chances of peace—no offense, Cherkasy! You’ve got a drone heading your way too!

Ah, Yes, The Air Raid Sirens

Just when folks might have thought they could relax, the good old air raid sirens made their entrance, announcing the impending doom as if it were the most prestigious of galas. “Don’t forget to grab a snack before you hide!” You know, just in case they run out of popcorn at the shelter!

Into the Early Hours

As the clock ticks into the early hours of October 16, an update on “Shaheds” is communicated. If you’re thinking these are just codes for a hip new nightclub—think again! These are drones, each one with its own pressing schedule, scuttling about like they own the place.

  • 00:12: Oh, and we’re now graced with the presence of airborne threats over Chernivtsi and Khmelnitsky regions. Must be the drone’s version of “The Secret Life of Pets” – everyone’s got a busy schedule.
  • 2:12: Tactical maneuvering in the Ternopil and Poltava regions spotted. Are those drones getting their pilot licenses or just showing off?

Stay Safe, You Lot!

So, here we are in this classic comedy of errors, where the drones are just doing their thing, and air defense is gearing up like it’s preparing for a very intense episode of a reality show. People are advised to stay indoors, “No need to get front row seats for this show, thank you very much!”

In this ever-evolving drama, remember folks: politics may be a serious business, but they sure can create the wildest storylines. One day, a surprise twist might even leave us gazing so hard at the sky; we might forget to keep our feet on the ground. But until then, keep an ear out for those air raid sirens, and maybe stockpile some sugared snacks—things could get bumpy!

And just in case you didn’t notice, the sources of this spectacle are none other than our friends at Air Force and Kyiv OVA. Don’t say I didn’t warn you about this grand drone exhibition!

On the evening of October 15, Russian troops launched attack drones into Ukraine.

Source: Air Force, Kyiv OVA

Details: At 19:22, a threat of the use of attack UAVs was reported for the Sumy and Kharkov regions.


At 19:43 it became known about drones in the Sumy region and from the south of the Sumy region in a southwestern direction to the Poltava region and drones from the west of the Kharkov region in a southwestern direction to the Poltava region.

At 19:45 they reported a threat of the use of attack UAVs for the Poltava region.

At 19:50 the UAV threat was reported for the Chernihiv region.

At 20:34 the military warned about:

  • UAV in Sumy region heading south-west towards Poltava region;
  • UAV in the Poltava region heading south-west towards the Kyiv and Cherkassy regions;
  • UAV in the Chernihiv region heading south-west towards the Kyiv region;
  • the threat of the use of attack UAVs for the Kyiv and Cherkasy regions.

At 20:54 they reported:

  • UAV in the south of Sumy region heading south-west towards Poltava and Chernihiv regions;
  • UAV in Poltava region heading south;
  • UAV in the Chernihiv region heading southwest towards the Kiev region;
  • UAVs in the Kyiv and Cherkasy regions heading southwest.

At 21:00 they reported a threat of using attack UAVs in the Kherson and Nikolaev regions.

At 21:15 it became known about drones in the Poltava region in the area of ​​Poltava and Kremenchug, air defense operations are possible. Also about the threat of using attack UAVs in the Kirovograd region.

At 21:38 a threat appeared for the Odessa region.

At 21:54 information appeared about:

  • UAV in the south of Sumy region heading south-west towards Poltava region;
  • UAV in Poltava region heading south-west towards Poltava region;
  • UAV in the center of the Chernihiv region heading southwest towards the Kiev region;
  • UAVs in the Odessa region in the Zatoka area and on approach to Odessa;
  • UAV in Nikolaev region heading west.

At 21:51 Kyiv OVA reported that the air defense forces are working against UAVs.

At 22:33 there was an update about the movement of drones:

  • in the south of Sumy region heading south-west towards Poltava region;
  • in the Poltava region heading southwest;
  • in the Chernihiv region heading west;
  • in the Kyiv and Cherkasy regions heading southwest;
  • in the Odessa region in the direction of the Vinnytsia region;
  • in the Nikolaev region heading west.

At 22:36 an air raid alert was announced in Kyiv.

At 22:48 the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko reported about enemy UAVs over Troieshina. Air defense forces can operate.

At 23:01 attack drones were reported:

  • in the south of Sumy Region – heading south, heading to Poltava Region;
  • in the Poltava region – heading southwest;
  • in the Chernihiv region – heading west;
  • in the Kiev region – heading southwest;
  • in Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr regions – heading west;
  • in the Odessa region – in the direction of the Vinnytsia region;
  • in the Nikolaev region – heading north, one of them crosses the border of the Kirovograd region;
  • in the Zaporozhye region – in the direction of the Dnieper.

At 23:41 it became known:

  • drones to Sumy Oblast heading south, heading for Poltava Oblast and Chernihiv Oblast!
  • drones in the Poltava region heading north and west.
  • drones in the Chernihiv region heading south towards the Poltava region.
  • drones in the Kiev region heading southwest.
  • drones in the Vinnytsia region heading west.
  • drones in the Dnepropetrovsk region in the direction of the north.
  • drones in the Nikolaev region, one heading west, the other heading south.

At 00.01 the Air Force made an update on the Shaheds:

  • UAV in Dnepropetrovsk region! Heading north.
  • UAVs in Nikolaev and Odessa regions. The course is Western.
  • UAV in Vinnytsia region. Movement in the direction of the Khmelnitsky region.
  • “Shaheds” in the Kiev region. course: one to the south, one to the west to the Zhytomyr region, one in the direction of Kyiv.
  • BpLA in Sumy Oblast. South-western course.
  • UAV in Poltava region. Movement towards the south.

At 00:12, the threat of using strike UAVs arose in the Chernivtsi region.


At 00.20, the threat of using attack UAVs arose in the Khmelnitsky region.

At 00:36, the threat of attack UAVs arose in the Ternopil region.

At 1:01, the military updated the directions of the drones’ movement:

  • “Shakhedy” in Sumy Oblast, heading south, heading for Poltava Oblast.
  • “Shaheds” in the Poltava region, heading south and west.
  • “Shaheds” in the Chernihiv region, heading southwest.
  • “Chess” in the Zhytomyr region, heading west, one in the Zhitomir region.
  • “Chess” in Vinnytsia and Ternopil regions, heading west.
  • “Chess” in the Odessa region, heading west towards the Vinnytsia region.
  • “Chess” in the Cherkasy region in the south-west direction.
  • “Shaheds” in the Kirovograd region in a southwestern direction.

At 1:03 a.m. there was a threat of using attack UAVs in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

At 1.46 the Air Force updated the directions of movement of the drones:

  • “Shakhedy” in Sumy Oblast heading south, heading for Poltava Oblast.
  • “Shaheds” in the Poltava region heading southwest.
  • “Shaheds” in the north of the Kharkov region, heading north.
  • “Chess” in the Zhytomyr region with a western course.
  • “Chess” in the Dnepropetrovsk region with a western course.
  • “Chess” in the Cherkasy region with a western course.
  • “Chess” in the Kiev region in the south-west direction.
  • “Chess” in the Khmelnitsky region in a western direction.

At 2.06 the PS reported:

  • “Shaheds” in the Nikolaev region, heading south.
  • “Shaheds” in the Ternopil region, heading north-west.
  • “Shaheds” in the Kirovograd region, heading west.
  • “Shaheds” in the Khmelnytskyi region heading west.
  • “Chess” in the Dnepropetrovsk region heading south.
  • “Shaheds” in the Kiev region heading towards Bila Tserkva.

At 2.08, the threat of using attack UAVs arose in the Kherson region.

At 2.12 aerial pilots reported the “Shaheds” on

  • Ternopil region, in the Ternopil area,
  • Poltava region, near Kremenchug,
  • in the Sumy region.

Air defense is possible, people are asked to stay in shelters!



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