The Russian Progress spacecraft carries 2.5 tons of cargo to the space station.

Marrakesh, 17 Feb. (Morocco-News) –

An unmanned Russian Progress 80 spacecraft arrived at the International Space Station’s Poisk module on February 17, with 2.5 tons of supplies for the orbital complex.

The automated cargo spacecraft docked at 07.03 UTC, about two days after launching from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and after a 34-orbit journey to Earth, NASA report.

Progress delivered 2,570 kilograms of cargo.NASA officials said during the internet broadcast of the cargo ship’s arrival. Specifically, it was 430 kilograms of propellant, 40 kilograms of nitrogen, 420 kilograms of water and 1,680 kilograms of spare parts and other supplies.

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