The “Rule of Five”…a simple trick that guides the consumer to healthy products

dietbut it may not necessarily take into account the specifications.

According to the newspaper "Daily Mail"a number of health experts recommend a simple way to find out if food product What is healthy, the less harmful.

This method is known as"The rule of five"That is, the list of ingredients on the packaging contains only five items.

Experts believe that the product that is prepared with fewer ingredients contains fewer substances Chemicals and clipboard.

And when a product is prepared with limited ingredients, this means that it has undergone less processing and remained as natural as possible.

Nutritionist Jessica Cordin recommends avoiding products whose ingredients include unknown things, while their names seem strange.

And products that are described as healthy and organic have become controversial regarding their usefulness, because they exaggerate a lot in talking regarding their benefits, or their respect for standards.

Healthy foods are mostly sold at exorbitant prices, while deceiving the customer who may buy a fruit juice that is supposed to be useful, but may include a large amount of sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Sometimes, the impression is given regarding food being healthy, just because it is served in small quantities, without paying attention to its lack of nutrients that a person needs to provide his body with energy.


Many companies claim to offer healthy and convenient products to their followers dietbut it may not necessarily take into account the specifications.

According to the newspaper “Daily Mail”, a number of health experts recommend a simple way to find out if food product What is healthy, the less harmful.

This method is known as the “rule of five”, meaning that the list of ingredients on the packaging includes only five items.

Experts believe that the product that is prepared with fewer ingredients contains fewer substances Chemicals and clipboard.

And when a product is prepared with limited ingredients, this means that it has undergone less processing and remained as natural as possible.

Nutritionist Jessica Cordin recommends avoiding products whose ingredients include unknown things, while their names seem strange.

And products that are described as healthy and organic have become controversial regarding their usefulness, because they exaggerate a lot in talking regarding their benefits, or their respect for standards.

Healthy foods are mostly sold at exorbitant prices, while deceiving the customer who may buy a fruit juice that is supposed to be useful, but may include a large amount of sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Sometimes, the impression is given regarding food being healthy, just because it is served in small quantities, without paying attention to its lack of nutrients that a person needs to provide his body with energy.



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