The Royal Thai Navy confirmed that no oil spills were found on Mae Ramphueng Beach. Found a small group off the coast.

Thairath Online

13 Feb. 2022 at 10:33 p.m.

The Navy provides personnel and aircraft. Carry out a mission to remove oil spills in Rayong province. Confirmed that no oil stains were found along the Mae Ramphueng Beach area.

On February 13, 2022, Vice Admiral Karmut Monthatpalin, a spokesman for the Navy, revealed that from the incident of another SPRC oil pipe leak on February 10, the Navy has organized troops and Armament into action to prepare for the situation Since the day of the accident, including organizing aircraft to patrol and sprinkle chemicals, today the 1st Naval Area has organized helicopters. Take a flight to explore the area around the oil spill site The ships of the Marine and Coastal Resources Department and SPRC have deployed a siege boom. The distance from the coast of Mae Ramphueng Beach is regarding 4 kilometers.

By at 8:00 a.m., a survey boat from the Marine Department has detected oil stains at the mouth of the Rayong River The appearance of the oil stain is a small group of thin films, regarding 1 × 1 meter in size, 3 groups, and at the tip of Laem Rung Rueng. small group detected Officers used Absorb Boom to absorb the stain, and at 11:00 AM, another oil stain was found at Break Water, Pak Nam Rayong, measuring × 2 meters.

Later, at 11:30 a.m., the Navy by the Aircraft Combat Command and Coast Guard stationed in the area Has inspected the rocky ground, white stone courtyard following some media outlets have presented the news. Oil stains were found in the area. But from the inspection, no oil stains were found as the news was presented.

At 15.00 the troops of the Aircraft Combat Command and Coast Guard has divided the set to survey the oil stains and collecting trash to clean the beach once more at Mae Ramphueng Beach And the beach area Laem Rung Rueang, and at 16:00 the First Naval Area has taken the aircraft up to explore once more. No oil stains were found along the beach.

Incidentally, previously in the middle of the night of February 12 last Troops from the Aircraft Combat Command and Coast Guard Performed beach surveying, cleaning, collecting rubbish around the man.Mae Ramphueng Beach Rayong province is ready to deal with the situation 24 hours a day until the situation is resolved.

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