The route of the torch relay unveiled on June 23 – Sport & Société

2023-04-27 19:31:16

Expected in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) for its first stopover, the Olympic flame for the Paris 2024 Games will then crisscross France along a route that will be revealed on June 23.

Beijing 2022 Olympic flame lighting ceremony (Credits – IOC / Greg Martin)

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Beijing 2022 Olympic flame lighting ceremony (Credits – IOC / Greg Martin)

Lhe date and place were not chosen at random by the Paris 2024 Games Organizing Committee (OCOG).

By announcing the presentation of the route of the relay of the olympic flamefor Friday June 23, 2023, in the setting of the Grand Amphitheater of the Sorbonne (5th arrondissement of Paris), the organizers of the upcoming edition of the Summer Games intend to wink at History.

Like an echo of the speech delivered by Pierre de Coubertin on June 23, 1894 – a founding day for the International Olympic Committee and above all the beginnings of the renovation of the Olympic Games two years later in Athens (Greece) – this double choice will indeed resonate as a tribute to the French Baron, while recalling that the 2024 edition will be an opportunity to celebrate the centenary of the 1924 Paris Games, the last Summer Games to have set foot on French soil.

During the morning of June 23, the OCOG will therefore lift the veil on the route of the torch relay in a place emblematic of culture and knowledge, with the participation of the sponsors of the said relay, namely Coca Cola et Banque Populaire – Caisse d’Epargne.

Visual of the arrival of the Olympic flame from the 2024 Games in Marseille, France, transported on the Belem, a famous three-masted tower listed as a Historic Monument since 1984 (Credits – Paris 2024)

If the logistical details remain to be specified, the starting point is in any case already known.

Thus, after the lighting in the ancient site of Olympia and the crossing of the Mediterranean from Greece, Marseille, the oldest city in France, today the second largest metropolis in France, will be the gateway to the flame. of the 2024 Olympics.

Subsequently, more than 60 French departments should be crossed, before the flame reaches Paris where it will then ignite the cauldron on the evening of the Opening Ceremony organized on the Seine, between the Pont d’Austerlitz and the Pont d’Iéna, opposite the Eiffel Tower and the TrocaderoJuly 26, 2024.

In addition to the French territories, the overseas territories will also be there to watch the Olympic torch relay, with in particular a passage through French Polynesia, host of the surfing events.

#route #torch #relay #unveiled #June #Sport #Société

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