The role of the dentist in sleep medicine. Dr Carlos Mas

..Dr. Carlos Mas Bermejostomatologist, expert in dental sleep medicine by Fesmes-SEMDeS and member of the Spanish Society of Dental Sleep Medicine (SEMDeS).
Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) has negative consequences on the health of patients, caused by intermittent chronic hypoxia. Among the oral and maxillofacial problems caused or aggravated by RRT we find wetting disorders, such as xerostomia; orofacial pain due to TMJ dysfunctions; dental erosions caused by gastroesophageal reflux; jaw movement disorders (bruxism); or growth and development disorders, such as malocclusions, open bite, crossbites and maxillary hypoplasia.

In addition, RRTs are related to other health problems that can seriously affect the quality of life of patients, such as drowsiness, fatigue, headaches and cardiovascular problems (heart attacks, angina pectoris or cardiovascular accidents). The relationship between RRT and diabetes has also been demonstrated.

Therefore, the early diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing is essential and, in this task, the figure of the dentist is essential if we attend to the comorbidity of these pathologies. The dentist, whose consultation is attended by a large number of patients daily, has a leading role when it comes to detecting or giving an alarm signal of a possible sleep-disordered breathing, such as snoring, increased upper air life resistance syndrome (Sarvas ) or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

The early diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing is essential and, in this task, the figure of the dentist is essential if we attend to the comorbidity of these pathologies

Children should have a check-up starting at age 5 years, before the eruption of the permanent first molar and the maxillary and mandibular central incisors. In children with RRT, the maxilla does not grow in width, producing maxillary hypoplasia, crowding or dental malocclusions, such as cross or open bite.

A child with sleep disordered breathing does not seal his lips. In addition, he has them dry, he sleeps badly and leaves the pillow stained with saliva. During the day he presented pathological swallowing, due to the fact that the tongue is low, it does not rest on the upper jaw when swallowing and it does not widen his jaw.

Among the symptoms that can alert dentists of RRT in children, those that occur during sleep stand out: mouth breathing, snoring, apnea, restless or agitated sleep, teeth grinding, abnormal head posture, nocturnal enuresis or sweating. excessive. Some symptoms also occur during the day, such as difficulty waking up, hyperactivity, lack of attention or headache, among others. Typical symptoms in adults include a long face (dolichocephalus), obesity, malocclusions, bruxism, temporomandibular dysfunction, dry mouth, periodontal disease, neck caries, fractures or erosions.

In Spain, dental sleep medicine is increasingly known and valued

Fortunately, in Spain, dental sleep medicine is increasingly well known and valued, as the discipline referring to the study of the causes and consequences of sleep disorders, especially TRS, and we have trained and expert odontostomatologists to detect and manage sleep disorders. TRS in a multidisciplinary way, together with sleep doctors. this year 2022 SEMDeS holds its Annual Congress in Valladolid from November 10 to 12, chaired by Dr. Agustín Moreda.

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