The Role of Morocco as a Gateway to Africa and the Arab World for Paraguay and South America

2023-08-17 09:22:40

The new Paraguayan president, santiago penaasserted that the Morocco represents, for Paraguay and for all the countries ofSouth Americaan ideal gateway to theAfrica and the Arab World.

>> Read also: Rachid Talbi El Alami represents His Majesty the King at the investiture ceremony of the new Paraguayan President

During a hearing granted to Mr. Rashid Talbi El AlamiSpeaker of the House of Representatives, who represented His Majesty King Mohammed VI at the investiture ceremony of the new Paraguayan president, santiago pena added that he and the leaders of the countries of the region share the same appreciation for the Morocco as a gateway toAfrica and the Arab Worldstressing the important role of the Kingdom in the development of the south in general and believing that the strengthening of cooperation with Morocco will advance South-South relations towards greater prosperity and progress.

In a statement to MAP, Mr. Talbi El Alami indicated that during this hearing, he transmitted to the President of Paraguay greetings from His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His high appreciation of the democratic model of Paraguaysimilar to the democratic model of Moroccoadding that the two countries have established a democratic tradition concretized by the holding of regular elections in full respect of the legal and constitutional deadlines for the organization of electoral deadlines.

The paraguayan president also expressed his desire to visit the Morocco and to promote fruitful relations with the Kingdom.

Mr. Talbi El Alami underlined in this context that the Morocco is a reliable partner and a politically, socially and economically stable country despite a turbulent environment, recalling that since the year 2000, His Majesty the King made regarding fifty visits in Africa crowned by the signature of 1,500 cooperation agreements.

He also noted that the Kingdom has the largest banking network in Africa, in addition to insurance, telecommunications and air transport companies which are active in many countries on the continent.

At the same time, the Speaker of the House of Representatives referred to a set of strategic projects in which the Morocco is involved at the continental level, at the forefront of which is the gas pipeline project between Nigeria and Morocco, a gigantic project which will have very positive effects on the 13 countries it will cross.

He recalled that Morocco has built two fertilizer production plants in Ethiopia and Nigeria, in an approach aimed mainly at helping to ensure food security in these regions of the continent.

M. Talbi El Alami concluded that His Majesty the King believes that the future of the world lies in the south, more precisely in Africain Latin America and in the countries ofSouth Asia and since a new world is being formed, the Morocco aspire, with the Paraguayto be an active actor by consolidating the excellent relations between Rabat and Asuncion.

#Morocco #ideal #gateway #Africa #Santiago #Pena



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