The Risks of a Second Term for Trump: Insights from John Bolton

2023-12-19 01:02:00

How dangerous is a “second term for Trump”?

John Bolton/Former National Security Advisor to the President of the United States. Born in 1948. Graduated from Yale University. He held high-level positions in the Reagan, Bush, and Bush administrations. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. From 2018 to 2019, he served as Assistant to the President (National Security Affairs) in the Trump administration. His book is “Memoirs of John Bolton” (Photo courtesy of John Bolton)

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Politics that resonates. A war that never ends. Market conditions fluctuate wildly. What lies ahead will be a boom or a downturn.

“Weekly Toyo Keizai” December 23-30 New Year Merger Special Issue features “Great Forecast for 2024”. A comprehensive view of the future of the world and Japan.

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If Trump returns as president of the United States, we will be in an irreversible situation.

This is the warning from John Bolton, the Trump administration’s national security adviser from spring 2018 to fall 2019, and former US ambassador to the United Nations.

His book, “John Bolton Memoirs: 453 Days with President Trump,” is a bestseller and details the inner workings of the Trump administration. He asked him regarding the risks of returning to the role.

—You’re making frank statements regarding former President Trump. Why is it dangerous if he becomes president once more?

Everything is a personal “transaction”

Because they have no political beliefs. He thinks regarding things in terms of profit and loss. Everything is a personal “deal” in a financial and political sense. They have no intention of respecting the U.S. Constitution.

For example, at the G20 Osaka Summit in June 2019. Trump has completely changed his hard-line stance on China and asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to expand imports of U.S. agricultural products. The aim was to gain support from American farmers, who have been hit hard by China’s retaliatory tariffs over trade tensions between the United States and China, and to improve his chances of re-election.

The government also appointed several conservative Supreme Court justices to please evangelical Christians. This is not because I believe in the judicial philosophy of the judges.

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