The Rise of Javier Milei and the Phenomenon of the Far-Right Pop: A Comparative Analysis with Bolsonaro, Meloni, and Trump

2023-08-23 23:11:11

Esther Solano, PhD in Social Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and professor at the Federal University of São Paulo, analyzed Javier Milei’s victory in the PASO and the patterns shared by many followers of the leader of La Libertad Avanza with similar experiences in Brazil with Jair Bolsonaro, in Italy with Giorgia Meloni or Donald Trump himself in the United States.

In this regard, the Spanish researcher, who has spent years studying the rise of Bolsonaro in Brazil, stated that these phenomena escape analysis because the contemporary dynamics of society “was faster than interpretation.”

“(Javier) Milei was born by a very deficient system, fundamentally from the economic point of view, which leaves people with feelings of vulnerability, disposableness, frustration and resentment. And a political system that also ends up being deficient and that does not give answers broad and forceful that connect with the population and that, in addition, is very old,” reflected Solano on AM750.

Recently interviewed on this subject in Seoul Magazine, she considered that this type of voter has a feeling of “exclusion and loss of belonging” that is “very variable and polyhedral.”

“We have that young man who feels that he has no future and who wants a certain rebellion, a certain passion, a certain way of seeing politics that traditional politics does not give him because he has become a very boring, lethargic and aging machine,” added.

In addition, he stressed that there is also a sector of the lower middle class vulnerable to which “inflation eats up their salary” and that is seduced by “the discourse of meritocracy and entrepreneurship.”

On the other hand, the doctor in Social Sciences pointed out that there is another feeling in the voters of these emerging political sectors, which is expressed in despair “due to public and citizen insecurity” and others who “feel threatened from the existential point of view for the advancement of feminism and the LGTBI struggle”.

“It is true that Milei has a type of voter who are the prototype of fascists, like those of Bolsonaro and Trump, who are in a certain joy that is the joy of the other’s desire for annihilation. But the vast majority do not belong to that social group , the vast majority is a dissatisfied voter who thinks ‘I’m going to give this guy a chance’ and deep down he doesn’t have an absolute and complete identification,” Solano warned in Mediodía 750.

In this framework, he assured that Milei is a fascist phenomenon, but that it would be a mistake to identify his voters as such. “It is a very important electoral political strategy error because if you label someone as a fascist you are setting them aside,” she said.

The aesthetics of the “far right pop”

On the other hand, the researcher explained that from her field of study they refer to this phenomenon as “pop extreme right” because it fascinates young people with its youthful aesthetics, rhetoric and language.

“They propose a conservative rebellion. This right talks a lot with young men and proposes a masculine vision of the world, rebellious but going backwards,” Solano said.

Lastly, he spoke regarding the processes of digitization and politicization in social networks and that this results in a distancing of young people from the institutional framework and the classic structure of political parties. “You have to rejuvenate party politics and democracy,” she concluded.

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