The Rise of Food Supplements: Trends, Market Growth, and Consumer Habits in France 2023

2023-11-23 12:15:53

Faced with the various pathologies from which they suffer, the French consider food supplements to be essential products. According to the sector’s national union, the French market reached 2.6 billion euros in 2022, up 3%.

The food supplement market is resistant to inflation. // PHOTO: Adobe Stock

To fight once morest stress, fatigue or even the ailments of winter, the remedy is, for many French people, in the capsule. Since the health crisis, the trend has been confirmed: the consumption of food supplements continues to increase. Last year, according to Synadiet, the sector’s turnover amounted to 2.6 billion euros. This is 3% more than in 2021. The market reaches 30 billion euros at European level. “ The food supplement sector has been growing very strongly for more than 10 years, and 2023 has only confirmed this trend”confirms Émilie Venesson, co-founder ofUNAE which defends quality and ecology in food supplements.

To find out more regarding the habits of the French, Synadiet launched the 2023 observatory, led by Harris Interractive. Conducted with more than 1,000 French people representative of the French population, it confirms that 59% of French people consume food supplements. 44% of them are even regular consumers, consuming food supplements several times a year.

Naturalness, absence of additives and promise, the winning trio

According to the National Union of Food Supplements (Synadiet) more than 9 out of 10 French people do not feel in good health. Nearly 2 in 5 French people report suffering from fatigue, stress and sleep problems. To remedy this, the food supplement which may include many natural or synthetic ingredients. « Naturalness, absence of additives and promise are the main purchase drivers [cités par 72 à 78% des répondants]. 2023 is marked by inflation and the price variable becomes a more important concern for consumers [71%] »shares the Observatory.

But consumers must deal with another reality. “ Economic difficulties may push some consumers towards cheaper products, often made from ingredients mainly originating in China., notes Émilie Venesson. However, the reality of these difficulties should not overshadow the ecological impact of its consumption habits. “ One solution might be to take fewer products by focusing on essential ingredients whose effectiveness is proven and validated by health authorities such as vitamin D or magnesium.suggests the entrepreneur.

Read also : Taking food supplements, a trend to be controlled

Food supplements resist inflation

Faced with inflation, consumers actually say they are making trade-offs, prioritizing product categories perceived as essential. Thus, food supplements are among the least expensive products. de-consumed », with medical consultations, in front of food consumption. “ Strengthening the immune system, sleep, joint health and dietary deficiencies are the indications least affected by deconsumptionspecifies the Observatory. On the other hand, muscle gain, tanning, menopause and menstrual pain are strongly impacted. »

The national health safety agency (ANSES) reminds that food supplements do not have magical effects. She recommends in particular avoiding prolonged intake and seeking the advice of a health professional. In addition, the agency invites us to be wary of products presented as miraculous. For its part, the Ministry of Health reminds that food supplements should not replace a varied and balanced diet.

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