“The Rise of DSE Courses in China: Opportunities and Challenges for Hong Kong Students and Educators”

2023-05-06 03:00:56

According to statistics, there are nearly 60 schools offering full-time DSE courses in China, most of which are concentrated in Guangdong Province. Nearly two-thirds of them will be opened between 2021 and 2023. The average tuition fee of these old and new schools is more than 130,000 yuan (RMB‧ the same below), the lowest asking price is 80,000 yuan, and the most expensive is more than 200,000 yuan. At present, the relevant market size is only recorded at regarding 500 million yuan, but the potential market is far beyond this.

At present, the total number of Hong Kong residents living in the Mainland is regarding 370,000. The number of Hong Kong residents aged 0 to 19 is regarding 150,000; the age of 0 to 14 is regarding 120,000. Some of them progressed to overseas courses of different academic systems in the Mainland, such as IB, GCE, OSSD, AP; some followed the Mainland high school entrance examination and college entrance examination system; In other words, there are still at least 30,000 high school students living and studying in the Mainland who have not joined or even learned regarding the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE).

Three years of the epidemic, coupled with geopolitical changes, and the preferential policies for the admission of Hong Kong students by high-quality universities in the Mainland, including the admission of qualified DSE Hong Kong students without additional examinations, and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Bureau announced that it will start to set up DSE test centers in China in 2024 After waiting for all kinds of good news, DSE quickly became popular in China. Moreover, in terms of cost performance, DSE is far superior to other international courses in China, because courses in Britain, the United States, Japan, and Korea cost more than 200,000 yuan, with an average of more than 250,000 yuan.

In fact, there is no SAT test center in China now; IB was once popular, but now more and more people think it is not suitable for Chinese children; if English is not good enough, taking GCE A-Level is not as convenient as taking DSE, which is more convenient for students whose mother tongue is Chinese. .

In addition to Hong Kong students, even mainland students also come here. DSE lectures are held almost every weekend, big and small, online and offline, and in different places. Because of this, different discussions and opinions arose. “Those things are cultivated and prospered, and virtues are ruined.” Recently, social media in China began to criticize DSE. Most of them were aimed at the excessive pursuit of DSE by admission counselors. There are also DSE units, teaching materials and teachers in the Mainland. Evaluations of varying quality.

There are many reasons why the domestic DSE course tuition is several times higher than that in Hong Kong. For example, it is necessary to have a Hong Kong teacher to participate in person, and a domestic background teacher to cooperate with the landing. It is not possible to directly use the Hong Kong set of teaching materials, which must include conversion into a mainland-compliant version, and then benchmark the performance and level of local students in Hong Kong. The research and development will require a lot of manpower and material resources.

For students with mainland cadastral nationality, DSE is not a way to bypass the mainland college entrance examination, but to provide an additional choice outside the Western international education system. However, at present, regarding 600,000 people in China study abroad each year, and most of them use overseas assessment tools. In contrast, the market share of DSE is extremely low, less than 1% in the past five years:

Whether DSE can grow in the mainland’s international education market depends entirely on whether the domestic DSE units and educators have the ability and determination to run Hong Kong courses well. Now most parents with domestic backgrounds only seek “Hong Kong teachers”; however, teachers have always been good or bad regardless of race, nationality or place of origin. The long-term development of DSE in the Mainland requires the cooperation of domestic and Hong Kong teaching and research teams. If you are eager for quick success and do not invest resources in research and development, you may destroy the hard-won Hong Kong brand. After all, DSE is the only self-made evaluation tool in Hong Kong!

A mainland friend once said: “Hong Kong brands were once comparable to Hermès in the mainland.”

Me: “Focus on DSE!”

It is the most important thing for Hong Kong people who want to go north to develop, and the prospect of DSE is limitless.

【Economy Column】Qi Wen Qi Shi.June Leung|Chairman of Elite Group

About the author: Graduated from the Department of Translation, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong in the late 1980s. Dedicated to education for more than 1/4 century. Typical Hong Kong work-hard-play-hard family. There are requirements for eating, drinking, and entertainment, but they are eclectic, whether it is French cuisine or street food; while appreciating famous European brands, they also love local and domestic products; watching Netflix in Wuthering Heights, they also love “Dream of Red Mansions”. A bit split personality, but determined to do education.


The above content only represents the author’s personal position and opinion, and does not represent any position of Hong Kong 01, and Hong Kong 01 cannot verify the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content.

In addition, the above is purely personal research and sharing, and does not represent the position of any third-party organization, nor is it any investment advice or inducement. Readers are advised to use their independent thinking ability to make investment decisions on their own.

#Dont #smash #DSEs #signature #Hong #Kong #brand #expected #return #Hermès #statusJune #Leung



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