the return of the mask compulsory in certain places

2023-10-13 15:33:00

Temperatures are expected to drop soon in France, truly marking the start of autumn. In addition to the cold, the mask might also make a comeback this winter. Indeed, despite the vaccination campaign which began on October 2, cases of Covid-19 contamination continue to increase.

In its latest weekly update published on October 11, 2023, Public Health France reveals data combining Covid-19, influenza and bronchiolitis.

Covid-19: update on the situation

In week 40 (from October 2 to 8, 2023), Public Health France notes for Covid-19: “a reduction in activity in community medicine and hospitals, except for stabilization in people aged 65 and over”. For detail, Sos Médecins medical procedures for suspected Covid-19 were 4,979 cases, i.e. 10% less than last week. “A decrease was observed among those under 5 years old (-13%), 15-64 year olds (-8%) and, more markedly, among 5-14 year olds (-49%). The data was stable among those aged 65 and over (-0.8%)“adds the health organization.

Visits to emergency departments for suspected Covid-19 decreased by 7% compared to the previous week, with 3,667 passages in week 40. It decreased in most age groups, but increased slightly among those over 65 (+0.9%). This same week, for visits for suspected contamination, 1,467 people (compared to 1,411 in S39) were hospitalized (40%), including 27 in intensive care or intensive care. Among all hospitalizations following going to the emergency room, 2% were hospitalized for Covid-19 or suspicion.

Flu, bronchiolitis, acute respiratory infections: what are they?

If the situation regarding Covid-19 cases is under surveillance, health authorities are also keeping an eye on the development of influenza and bronchiolitis. For the flu, the organization mentions that all the indicators are at: “their basic level in all regions, except in Reunion”. For their part, cases of bronchiolitis are increasing among children under two years old, whether in mainland France or overseas regions. To finish, acute respiratory infections (ARI) cause a slight increase in hospital activity. However, it remains stable for community medicine.

Coronavirus: some hospitals require the return of masks

Faced with these different viruses which are spreading, many health professionals advocate the return of wearing a mask. Some French hospitals have made it compulsory. a few weeks or months ago. This is particularly the case of the multidisciplinary committee of the Manceau hospital center (Mans), which reported compulsory to wear a mask this Monday, October 9. Before him, at the end of September, La Rochelle and Perpignan had already made masks compulsory in various hospital centers.

At present, there is no national decision. The obligation is therefore taken on a case-by-case basis by hospital establishments. Thus, other hospitals follow the trend. This is the case of the Vendôme hospital center in Loir-et-Cher, which makes it compulsory to wear a mask within the establishment. until March 31, 2024, for staff and visitors.

Wearing a mask: what regarding schools and nurseries?

Despite a big comeback from Covid-19 in schools and nurseries, wearing a mask is still not obligatory. However, people who wish to do so are allowed and encouraged to do so. “The recommendations are the same as those applicable to the general population, wearing a mask is therefore not obligatory. However, students and staff who wish can wear a mask,” the Ministry of National Education explains to TF1.

However, if this is not yet obligatory, it must be a personal reflex according to the health authorities. “These are measures that must be commonplace: we will wear a mask in the hospital, in the metro when you have symptoms“, explained Aurélien Rousseau on France Inter on August 19. The possibility that the State once more imposes the wearing of masks on a general basis is not current.

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