For Idriss Toma, a lawyer in Lille, the countdown is ticking: he only has four to six months left to live, since, victim of an attempted murder, he keeps a piece of bullet lodged in his brain. Following this event, he decides to change his life, and put his talents as a lawyer at the service of the weakest.
While the first season of Code ended with the revelation to those around him of the little time he had left, and the confused reaction of his associates, the second, broadcast from Wednesday January 4, opens with a taciturn Idriss, trying to put the pieces back together with his 20-year-old daughter and her friends, whose trust was damaged by her secrecy.
Refreshing characters
At the same time, the firm continues to operate: each episode has its own legal intrigue. With, this time, a welcome highlighting of the characters revolving around the lawyer: his associates Nadia (Naidra Ayadi), a big heart bending over backwards for her clients, sometimes at the risk of forgetting herself, and Jeanne ( Christiane Millet), absurd and delicious character who sometimes steals the show from the hero of the series.
Trials are also an opportunity to address social issues. In the first episode of this second season, Nadia defends a husband, played by a delicate Francis Perrin, accused of having killed his wife, victim of Alzheimer’s disease: was it for him “to give the opportunity to die with dignity” or cold-blooded murder? Another time, it is the condition of women living on the street that is highlighted.
But if the rather neat staging and endearing characters hook the viewer, the script sometimes suffers from a lack of depth, the good feelings often taking over the complexity of the plot.