The Return of François Joyeux: Journalist’s Absence Explained and RTBF’s Reassurance

2023-06-22 05:27:55

The journalist had been absent since mid-April.

It has been almost two months since François Joyeux was absent from the airwaves of “Matin Première”. Listeners were quickly worried that they would no longer hear him on the RTBF morning show.

But this June 22, the journalist made his big comeback, saying to himself “ very happy to present the morning once more. But before really launching his show, he did not hesitate to greet his listeners, declaring: “ I missed you, thank you! »

Faced with the concern of listeners, RTBF’s communication department had finally decided to defuse the situation by assuring: ” This is a purely private matter. There is no problem between RTBF and François Joyeux “. During his absence, Marie Vancutsem took over, with the support of Sophie Brems and Pascal Claude.

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