The retail sentiment index in July was 50.2, and the retail industry’s expectations for consumption recovery were further strengthened

Original title: The retail sentiment index in July was 50.2, and the retail industry’s expectations for consumption recovery further strengthened

CCTV news:On July 6, the China General Chamber of Commerce released the China Retail Sentiment Index. Data show that China’s retail sentiment index began to stabilize and rebound in July.

The data shows that the retail business climate index in July was 50.2. After the continuous downturn in the second quarter, it returned to the expansion range in the traditional retail off-season, reflecting that the retail industry has further strengthened its expectations for consumption recovery.

Offline retail traffic and sales increase in June

In addition, the offline retail industry achieved simultaneous growth in passenger traffic and sales in June, up 2.4% and 4.4% month-on-month respectively; the occupancy rate of shops increased by 3% month-on-month; the total number of online products of e-commerce business increased by 12.5 percentage points month-on-month. Experts said that these indicators reflect the gradual stabilization and recovery of the retail industry as a whole.

Source: CCTVReturn to Sohu, see more


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posted on:Beijing

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