The Resale Market: Giving, Receiving, and Recirculating Christmas Gifts in Belgium

2023-12-28 17:36:00

It is a “tradition” now well established. If Belgians like to give themselves gifts at Christmas, many of them can be found on sale on second-hand sites from December 25. This year once more, we didn’t have to wait long to see sweaters, gadgets, books, games and other items put back on sale on, Cash Converters HappyTroc and other second-hand item resale networks. More than one Belgian in 4 (27.5%) admits to having resold gifts because they needed money.

A trend that is causing ads to explode on specialized sites. Thus, on eBay, we expect to exceed one million listings by December 28. According to the latest eBay/Kantar barometer of the resale of Christmas gifts, nearly one in four French people (23%) planned to resell their gifts this year compared to 17% in 2022. Before the pandemic, this percentage oscillated between 10 and 15 %. “This year for the first time, the French are reselling more to pay Christmas bills (30% are considering it) than to give themselves a gift they like (29% of French people),” recalls eBay in a press release published this Monday. Still according to the specialized site, the French hope to earn nearly 50 euros on average from these gift resales.

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On the side of charitable associations, however, Belgians are encouraged to donate gifts they do not need, rather than reselling them. For the voluntary sector, the emergence of players like Vinted has harmed donations, in the same way as anti-waste applications like Too Good To Go, which allow traders to resell their unsold food, which was sometimes donated before. .

If you want to help the most deprived, you can contact the many neighborhood associations, or the CPAS. The Red Cross also helps the homeless and is always in need of warm clothing, hygienic products or sleeping equipment. To make a donation, go to the Red Cross website.

Likewise Oxfam Belgium will be happy to collect your electronic devices, computer or sound equipment, as well as your books, comics and other objects.

Recycling Christmas gifts ©IPM Graphics

Free items, car parts, etc.: in 2023, 31 million ads were placed on!

Auto parts are the most sought following…along with free items.

In 2023, nearly 31 million ads were placed on 2èmemain and 2dehands, 30.972 million to be precise. A new offer is therefore added every second, on average, under one of the 42 sections on the ad site. This year once more, the “Automotive parts” section comes out on top in terms of number of offers. Nearly 7.7 million spare parts were offered for sale over the past year. The “Real Estate” section remains the second largest category. In 2023, there were 2.69 million houses or building plots, garages and rooms for sale or rent.

The top ten most popular sections remained virtually unchanged this year. In addition to automobile parts, houses and furniture, more than 1.4 million items for babies, 1.4 million cars, 755,000 bicycles and mopeds were showcased on the 2èmemain or 2dehands digital platform in 2023.

Gift wrapping: the spoilsport of Christmas

The most popular search term remains the word “free”, which was used no less than 21.2 million times in 2023. In the top 5 search terms, we also find the same keywords as last year, but in a different order. In 2023, there were 2.86 million searches for “mobile home”, 2.73 million searches for “firewood” and 2.4 million searches for “bicycle”. The top 5 ends with “van”, which has been encoded 2.33 million times.

In the list of search terms, we also see a notable breakthrough in certain keywords. In 2023, searches for “mopeds” have increased 40-fold (26,613 searches in 2023, 656 in 2022). “Tiny houses” are also more popular. This keyword had only been encoded 816 times in 2022. In 2023, it was used 17,673 times, more than 20 times more.

#Free #items #car #parts.. #Belgians #resell #gifts #pay #bills



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