The renowned doctor Miloš Velemínský died. He was a pioneer in newborn care in the Czech Republic Company | News | Budějská Drbna

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the respected doctor, educator and scientist Miloš Velemínský died. The information was published on its website by the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia. Velemínský was 87 years old. Among other things, he was responsible for establishing the first intensive care department for newborns in the Czech Republic.

She published information about the death of the renowned doctor, pedagogue and scientist Miloš Velemínský on her website Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia (ZSF JU). “It is with deep regret that we announce that Professor Miloš Velemínský, a respected doctor, pedagogue and scientist, died on the night of Saturday to Sunday. He was 87 years old and very active until his last days. The professional and lay public lost in him a great professional and a kind and willing person who will be remembered with respect and gratitude by several generations of South Bohemia.” it is on the university’s website.

Velemínský was born on August 14, 1936 in the family of a Budejovice veterinarian. After his studies, he worked at the children’s department of the hospital in Jindřichov Hradec, in 1969 he joined the children’s department of the regional hospital in České Budějovice as an ordinary, and for 13 years he was the head of the neonatal department. Thanks to him, the first intensive care unit for pathological newborns in the Czech Republic was created in the 1970s. In 1984, he founded the first independent neonatal unit in the Czech Republic in České Budějovice.

He was also the founder and director of the Medical First Aid Company in Třebon. Until the end of last year, he was still practicing in his children’s surgery in Třebon, for which he had long and carefully searched for a pediatrician to replace him.

The renowned doctor won a number of prestigious awards during his lifetime. He was the bearer of the golden Jánský plaque and in 2010 he received the Purple Heart civic award for his contribution to neonatology. In October 2018, he received a Medal of Merit from former President Miloš Zeman. He wrote many professional publications, but also several popular science books.

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“As a doctor, he perceived the need for quality education in non-medical health programs, the necessity of social overlap in caring for people, and the importance of professional intervention in solving crisis situations. Although he was an expert in pediatrics, which was the focus of his teaching, he was also actively interested in the knowledge of students in preclinical fields and their general outlook. In the Introduction to study course, he accompanied the students in the premises of the faculty and tried to make them absorb the atmosphere of life at the faculty and accept it as their next home. He perceived the staff of the faculty as his second big family, and I believe that he liked us and we liked him.” stated the dean of the ZSF JU about Velemínský’s departure Ivana Chloubová.

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