The Remarkable Journey of a Japanese Bodybuilder Who Flourishes on Just Half an Hour of Sleep Daily

A bodybuilder in Japan claims that he is the happiest of his life because he discovered his extraordinary strength, which is enough for him to get only 30 minutes of deep sleep a day.

Daisuke Hori, 40, lives in the Shibuya area of ​​Tokyo. He told The Independent that he has slept only half an hour every night for the past 15 years.

He is the father of an eight-year-old and claims that his lack of sleep means he never misses an opportunity in life.

Even their busiest schedule is one that can tire out even the most hard-working person.

Various activities are part of their daily routine including working, doing housework, exercising and surfing.

Hori adds that he looks after investments, plays musical instruments and also takes care of his child and pet.

Speaking to The Independent, he said: ‘I exercise 13 times a week. I work more than 10 hours a day and do not take any leave.

‘My schedule changes daily but one thing never changes is my 30 minutes of sleep.’

Horry also admits that his extreme lifestyle isn’t for everyone.

Most doctors and scientific studies recommend seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

But Horry says that if one can operate in a healthy way with less sleep, the results can be surprising.

‘My goal has already been achieved – freedom of movement, freedom in health, plenty of time with loved ones, and the ability to do anything,’ he says.

‘I truly believe that no one is happier than me. Not until I became a low sleeper did I find this joy.

‘If more people could live without worrying about sleep, I think the world would be a much calmer place.’

The bodybuilder, who is very active on Instagram and also has a YouTube channel where he shares videos about short sleep, says he does bodybuilding as a hobby and spends every year on bodybuilding. Participate in competitions.

Recently he participated in the ‘Best Body Japan’ event. “I go to the gym twice a day and work out for a maximum of 90 minutes each time,” says Hori.

He often shares shirtless photos, showing the results of his hard work.

Hori says that he has also trained his wife to reduce her sleep duration from seven hours to just two hours.

Their son has been sleeping three hours a day since birth but now he sleeps four to five hours.

It all started when Hori realized that he needed more time in life and was inspired by a man who was short on sleep.

Hori says: ‘I just wanted more time. There was a person near me who was a short sleeper.

‘He said he had become a short sleeper. I thought if anyone else could do it, so could I.’

At the age of 25, Hori embarked on a seven-year journey, in which he trained his body and mind to get used to minimal sleep.

It wasn’t easy, he says, but now after years of practice, he claims he can do as much in a day as most people do in a week and still have energy left.

Horry is also training others to sleep less and says most people can learn to get by on three to four hours of sleep in six months through professional training.

They say that they have helped about 21 to 22 hundred people who want to change their life and become a light sleeper.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

He says: ‘Sleep is like a muscle and must be trained gradually.

‘Think of it as learning or training. Sleep is also physical. If you follow the rules, you can shorten it.’

However, Horry cautions that this is an extreme lifestyle and not everyone needs to live on less sleep.

“A 30-minute nap is an extreme idea,” he says. Not many people need that much time and freedom.

‘The urge to sleep is very lively so I don’t recommend fighting against it. The important thing is to organize activities that prevent the desire to sleep.’

The secret to staying awake is basically not letting the mind tire of a single activity.

‘Don’t do the same thing for too long, don’t sit in the same position, and don’t use the same part of the brain for too long. In other words, make changes regularly.’

They eat a low-starch diet and monitor blood sugar levels, as sudden spikes can cause sleepiness or drowsiness.

A Day in the Life of Hori Yomiuri TV Show ‘Will You Go With Me?’ I was shown. The cameras of the reality show were focused on him for three days.

Studies over the years have emphasized the harms of sleeping less than six hours, and there is evidence that sleep deprivation has a negative impact on health.

The National Sleep Foundation is an American non-profit organization founded in 1990. According to the organization, adults between the ages of 18 and 64 should get seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

People over the age of 65 may need seven to eight hours of sleep.

Some people can function better with less sleep, while others need more sleep, the foundation says.

A difference of an hour or two is not a problem, but going beyond the recommended hours can lead to various health problems. For example, weakened immune system, high blood pressure and depression.

Sleep is essential for every organ in the body, including the brain, because it helps the body absorb nutrients, flush out toxins and restore energy for the next day, says sleep expert Nancy Foldoveri Schafer.

A loss of just an hour and a half of sleep can cause short-term problems such as impaired alertness, fluctuating memory problems, and a lack of interest in daily activities.

When asked if his routine could be harmful to him, Hori insisted that he wouldn’t want to change anything in his life.

According to Hori: ‘I enjoy working out, surfing, spending time with my family and friends and exploring new hobbies and places. So I have no intention of reducing my (awake) time.’

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#Japanese #bodybuilder #sleeps #minutes #hours
2024-09-07 14:04:11

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for⁣ the title ​**”The Power of 30 Minutes: How One Bodybuilder’s Unconventional Sleep Habit Led⁣ to Unparalleled Happiness”**:

The Power ‌of 30 Minutes: How One Bodybuilder’s Unconventional Sleep Habit ‍Led to Unparalleled ‌Happiness

In a world​ where sleep is often viewed as a‍ necessity, one Japanese bodybuilder, Daisuke Hori, has defied convention by thriving on just 30 minutes of deep sleep a day. This extraordinary feat‍ has not only allowed him to achieve his goals‍ but has also led him to claim that he is the happiest person ⁢he knows.

Hori, a 40-year-old father of an eight-year-old, has been sleeping for only half an hour every ‍night for the past 15 years. Despite ‌his grueling schedule, which includes exercising⁢ 13 times a week, working ⁣more than 10 hours a day, and⁢ taking ⁤care⁣ of‌ his family and pet, Hori attributes his energy and productivity to his unique sleep habit.

While most doctors and scientific studies recommend seven to nine‍ hours of sleep a night, ⁢Hori believes that operating ​on less sleep has allowed him⁣ to experience life to the fullest. ⁤He claims that‍ his goal of achieving freedom of movement, health, and ‌time⁤ with ‍loved⁤ ones has been met, and he is now more capable of doing anything he desires.

But how has Hori managed to adapt to⁣ such a limited‌ amount of ⁤sleep? ‍He credits his seven-year journey of training his body and mind⁢ to function on minimal rest. Although he admits it wasn’t easy, Hori has found a way to‍ optimize his daily routine to make the most of his⁣ 30 minutes of ​deep sleep.

According to ⁣Hori, his ‍daily routine includes a⁤ range of activities such as working, doing housework, exercising, and surfing. He also looks after investments, plays ⁣musical instruments, and takes care of his child and pet. Despite his packed schedule, Hori ⁤believes ⁤that his lack of⁣ sleep has allowed him to seize ‌every opportunity ​in life.

Hori’s sleep​ habit has not only benefited him but has also inspired‍ his family to adopt ‌a similar approach. He has trained his wife to reduce her sleep duration ‍from seven hours to just two hours, while their⁤ son has ⁤been sleeping three hours a day since birth and now sleeps four to five hours.

The ⁢Benefits of ​Power Naps

While Hori’s​ 30-minute sleep habit may seem extreme, the concept of power naps is not new. In fact, many people swear by the benefits of short naps to recharge and refocus. Research has shown that even a brief nap of​ 15-20 minutes can improve cognitive function, memory, ‌and creativity, while also reducing‍ stress and fatigue.

For those interested ⁤in incorporating power naps into their daily routine, there are several‌ resources available.⁤ For⁢ example, YouTube playlists like <a href="[2]“>30​ Minute Power Nap Music Playlist offer a selection of sleep music designed to ​help individuals‌ relax and recharge.


Daisuke Hori’s extraordinary sleep habit is a testament to the human body’s ability to adapt and‌ thrive⁣ in unexpected ways. While his approach may not be for everyone, it highlights the importance​ of finding what​ works⁢ best for each⁣ individual. Whether it’s⁤ 30 minutes of deep sleep ⁤or a series of power naps, the key to happiness and productivity may lie in embracing our unique strengths and limitations.

In the words of Hori, “If more people could live without worrying about⁤ sleep, I think ⁤the world would be⁣ a much calmer place.” Perhaps ⁢it’s time for us‌ to reevaluate our approach to sleep and‌ explore the possibilities of what can be achieved with a little creativity and determination.

Related⁣ Resources:

<a href="[1]“>30 Minute Deep Sleep Music ⁣To ⁣Fall Asleep‍ Fast

<a href="[3]“>30 Min Deep Sleep

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title “The Unbelievable Life of Daisuke Hori: A Japanese Bodybuilder Who Sleeps Only 30 Minutes a Day”:

The Unbelievable Life of Daisuke Hori: A Japanese Bodybuilder Who Sleeps Only 30 Minutes a Day

Meet Daisuke Hori, a 40-year-old Japanese bodybuilder who has been making headlines with his extraordinary claim of sleeping only 30 minutes a day for the past 12 years. This remarkable feat has allowed him to optimize his life and achieve an incredible level of productivity, energy, and happiness.

A Day in the Life of Hori

Hori’s daily routine is a testament to his exceptional energy levels. He wakes up after just 30 minutes of sleep and starts his day with a rigorous exercise routine, which includes 13 workouts a week. He also works over 10 hours a day, takes care of his child and pet, plays musical instruments, and manages his investments. Despite his packed schedule, Hori claims that he never misses an opportunity and always has energy to spare.

The Secret to His Success

Hori attributes his success to his ability to function on minimal sleep. He believes that sleep is like a muscle that needs to be trained gradually



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