The release of Diablo IV finally located between April and June 2023? | Xbox One

Often singled out for its excessive discretion since its announcement, Diablo IV seems to have changed strategy. The next installment of the franchise signed Activision-Blizzard has been at the heart of many rumors in recent weeks with, in common thread, its release datewhich now seems to be becoming clearer.

Diablo IV news at The Game Awards?

It’s in the columns of Insider Gaming that a recent article published by Tom Henderson reviews the main rumors surrounding Diablo IV.

He says that 100 journalists (including him) will have the opportunity to attend a behind-the-scenes presentation of the game shortly with, as a bonus, the possibility of playing it.

According to him, the embargo on this event will be lifted on Wednesday, December 7i.e. the old Game Awards 2022.

Towards a release between April and June 2023?

The second part of his article focuses on the supposed release period of the game as well as the launch of its beta. Tom Henderson likes to share his articles on his Twitter account, and it was a certain Jez Corden, a Windows Central journalist who had written a paper on the game on November 6, who came to provide new details under his Tweet.

According to him, the release of Diablo IV might be between April and June 2023, giving himself a margin of 8 weeks. It also refers to the launch of pre-orders and the reveal of the collector’s edition:

The big announcements are early access to the open beta with pre-orders. Also, the collector’s edition which includes a kind of… candle? I’m not 100% sure what it is.

I wrote April 2023 for the launch, but now I think that might be a target launch track/window with an 8 week margin.

If a press presentation takes place the day before the Game Awards, it’s a safe bet that the game will be unveiled during the event and we will obviously be on the lookout for any announcement regarding it. As a reminder, Diablo IV is currently officially scheduled for 2023 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S

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