The relationship in all its states: the HD Journal presents its number 2

2024-03-01 08:47:46

Relationship with oneself, with others, with others, with the environment… In addition to a look at current events, interviews or games, number 2 of HD Journal explores the different dimensions of the relationship. Man is a social being. Being in a relationship means knowing how to receive in order to give, an exchange. Reciprocity is important but we must first be good to ourselves so as not to enter into a relationship of dependence, not to expect the other to save us. Indeed, before the relationship with others, there is the relationship with oneself. But how do you learn to love yourself? A healthy and caring environment is necessary, but also being in agreement with one’s thoughts and values, one’s limits. Be satisfied with what you accomplish. With illness, we must learn to know ourselves even more to understand ourselves. In order to be fully in relationship…

The HD Journal, a quarterly to discover on the CRR website
The crisis day hospital (HDJ) of the center center on the left bank in Lyon has been experimenting for several months with the construction of a diary involving group time and individual follow-up. This involves offering a sufficiently flexible and stable support allowing the foundations of psychosocial rehabilitation courses to be initiated in its three main areas: – Psychoeducation because each issue is an opportunity to dissect phenomena linked to the appearance of a psychological disorder or a crisis situation in everyone’s daily life. The search for information to construct the articles and illustrations makes it possible to identify and improve the level of health literacy. – Cognitive remediation because the development of the diary highlights the need to support certain abilities to rediscover the pleasure of nourishing and expressing one’s vision of the world. – Training in social skills because the production of each number must be the result of consensus, between acceptance of the style of the other and development of one’s own assertiveness. Finally, as in any psychosocial rehabilitation process, particular attention is paid to its possible contribution to social transformation, the purpose of a newspaper being to meet readers!
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