The Régis Morissette-Fransyl Family Chair: Advancing Thoracic Surgery and Esophageal Disease Research

2023-06-14 22:46:01

The Régis Morissette-Fransyl Family Chair of thoracic surgery and esophageal diseases was created at the Faculty of Medicine of the Université de Montréal thanks to an exceptional donation of $3 million from the Foundation for Research in Thoracic Surgery of Montreal. This financial contribution is made possible, among other things, by the generous contribution of the Morissette family and the Fransyl Group.

The chair in esophageal diseases represents the accomplishment of several years of effort and the realization of a dream. We thus pay tribute to Régis Morissette, a man of great generosity and absolute perseverance, who was a source of inspiration for his family and colleagues. The Foundation is proud to be associated with the Morissette family and thanks them warmly.
— Dr. Pasquale Ferraro, President of the Thoracic Surgery Research Foundation of Montreal

Thoracic surgery research is fundamental in the treatment of esophageal diseases, which include a broad spectrum of benign and malignant disorders. In recent years, esophageal cancer in industrialized countries has increased at an exponential rate, making it the type of cancer with the fastest increasing incidence. By creating this research chair, UdeM and the Foundation for Research in Thoracic Surgery of Montreal are joining forces to allow patients to see the future with hope.

The Régis Morissette-Fransyl Family Chair provides additional financial resources to study esophageal diseases, in addition to the two other Foundation chairs dealing with lung transplantation and thoracic oncology. It thus consolidates research in the niche of thoracic surgery with a view to improving care.
— Dr. Patrick Cossette, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at UdeM

We cannot say it enough, biomedical research and philanthropy are essential to develop cutting-edge research in thoracic surgery. The Foundation understood this well by supporting the Université de Montréal. His outstanding contribution brings hope to people with esophageal disease and their families.
— Lucie Parent, Assistant Vice-Rector, Research, UdeM

The medicine of tomorrow at our doorstep

The research that will emanate from this chair will guide medicine in the years to come and play a leading role in improving care.

  • It will attract new surgeons whose subspecialization confirms expertise in the evaluation and treatment of esophageal diseases;
  • It will improve the reception and retention of members within the teaching body oriented towards excellence in clinical practice, teaching and research;
  • It will contribute to innovative interventions for the treatment of esophageal diseases in order to improve the quality of life and survival in the short and long term, while aiming for better access to this expertise which offers an unequaled quality of care.

Under the responsibility of the UdeM Faculty of Medicine, this chair will demystify, through research, the complex field of esophageal diseases.

A community at the pinnacle of science

UdeM’s Faculty of Medicine and its 11 affiliated research centers and institutes bring together one of the largest health research communities in Canada. With more than 4,500 faculty members (teaching, research and clinical) in 18 departments and university schools, it contributes in a significant and concrete way to improving the health of individuals and populations around the world, and excels in several niches. , including the fight once morest cancer.

Partners of UdeM, the CHUM and its thoracic surgery department are today the reference center in Quebec for patients with esophageal diseases. New techniques are developed there to assess physiology, perform diagnostic endoscopic procedures, or even improve the determination of the stage of cancers and perform complex surgical techniques.

Created in 2004, the Montreal Thoracic Surgery Research Foundation Its mission is to ensure the development of thoracic surgery headed by two eminent surgeons, researchers and UdeM graduates: Drs André Duranceau and Pasquale Ferraro. A figurehead in the development of thoracic surgery in Quebec and Canada, it promotes excellence in care, research and teaching in this field.

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