the regime of territorial and hospital civil servants is going adrift

2024-09-30 08:54:35

The bill risks being steep for public hospitals and local authorities. Their agents are affiliated with a pension fund whose accounts are falling into the red at a worrying rate. THE “status quo” becoming « impossible »strong measures are needed “to avoid the creation of a lethal financial debt”according to an alarming report co-produced by three general inspections (administration, social affairs, finance), which was made public on Friday September 27.

The efforts to be made involve – among other things – an increase in contributions paid by these two categories of employers, and therefore increased expenses. A difficult solution to implement: health establishments are themselves facing budgetary difficulties, while local executives are being ordered by Bercy to reduce their lifestyle.

In 2023, the pension scheme for territorial and hospital civil servants (known by the acronym CNRACL) was in deficit of some 2.5 billion euros. If no correction were made, the situation could deteriorate spectacularly: − 5.4 billion euros in 2025, − 8.6 billion euros in 2027, − 11.1 billion euros in 2030.

In a report, the Court of Auditors had already warned in May of such a drift, emphasizing that the “hole” in this fund would represent, in 2027, three quarters of the deficit of all basic pension plans and the fund. of solidarity which finances the minimum old age.

1.46 contributors for 1 retiree

The problem is mainly explained by demographics: the number of contributors compared to that of retirees has continued to decline, going from 4.53 at the start of the 1980s to 1.46 today, a ratio lower than that of measured across our entire pay-as-you-go system (1.71).

People dependent on this scheme have a higher than average life expectancy, due in particular to the large proportion of women in the health establishment workforce – and many of them benefit from support schemes. early retirement: exemptions in favor of “long careers”, specific rules for civil servants exercising arduous or dangerous professions which allow them to claim their pension before the legal age under common law.

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The phenomenon has been accentuated by the recruitment policies of hospitals and local authorities. More and more contract workers were hired. However, they pay their old age contributions to other pension funds.

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