The rector of UMons asks for the resignation of one of his administrators… Georges-Louis Bouchez

According to Philippe Dubois, “it is clear that Mr. Bouchez had an inadmissible attitude that was contrary to the interests of the legal entity of which he is a director. Confusing the Board of UMONS with a political meeting, he acted by putting the Minister, whom he said he was talking regarding in his place, in open conflict with our institution.. “

The facts date back to February 20, during a particularly tense board meeting, where the case between Minister Valérie Glatigny and the rector of UMons was discussed. The only opponent of authorization among the administrators, the president of the MR would have been virulent: “If the blocking of UMONS persists, 55 other authorizations will be blocked.”

Detailing various articles of the regulations, the rector pinpoints the positions of Georges-Louis Bouchez: “It is permissible to ask the question of the existence in his head of a functional conflict of interest or at the very least of an incompatibility of interest“, considering that the president of the MR defended the political positions of the minister in charge more than the interests of the university.

The rector of UMons will be one of the guests of “Matin Première” this Thursday. The president of the MR has already announced that he will not resign. Contacted by Le Vif, Georges-Louis Bouchez deplores the “prankishness of a university rector”.

The MR, within the university as within the majority of the government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, found itself isolated on this file. The debates this Wednesday in parliament were once more agitated. Several deputies of the majority (Ecolo and PS) criticized the posture of the minister responsible. However, it seems that behind the scenes, the file is unraveling. We would indeed be moving towards the granting of clearance. In order not to undress politically Valérie Glatigny, the decision would be recorded by the whole of the government. A majority position, and no longer just that of a minister at the heart of a controversy. The point is on the agenda of the government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation for this Thursday.

Remember that currently, UMons only organizes the bachelor’s degree in medicine. The challenge of this file is that the university can in the future offer the master’s cycle in this sector, in addition to ULB, UCLouvain and ULiège.



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