The reason for Ekaterina Gorina’s anxieties and tears was found – all the guys refused her

Ekaterina Gorina admits that she is in anxiety and tears, and does not really understand what to do in such a situation. Indeed, in the clearing of House 2, almost all the guys refused to take any steps in her direction even for the sake of the ethers, and she was too lazy to deal with a divorce from her husband Arthur Nikolaychuk.

Maxim Kolesnikov, according to the news from the glade of House 2, is building a relationship with Anya, an acquaintance of Alexei Adeev, who appeared live on 08/23/2022.

Vlad Dubrovsky, whom they tried to bring together with Gorinapreferred to withdraw from such a task.
It remains only for Katya Gorina to fulfill an important assignment from her friends on the TV project Dom 2 Ivan Barzikov and Christina Bukhynbalte – to look after the puppy Leo.

Isn’t this the reason for Ekaterina Gorina-Nikolaichuk’s worries, because with such difficulty they found the dog after escaping from Barzikov? Will she be able to deal with the naughty Leo in the absence of his owners?

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