The rarest phobias in the world

Phobia is considered to be an irrational and exaggerated fear of non-dangerous objects and situations. Unlike common fear, this feeling is intense and persistent, even when the sufferer is aware of it, but with difficulties in controlling it. There are all kinds of phobias, and most manifest with similar symptoms.

They often cause emotional, physical and mental responses. Common side effects include palpitations, tremors, sweating and other anxiety symptoms. If left untreated, they can affect social relationships, work performance and other everyday situations.

According to a study published by Statpearls, patients with a specific phobia experience high levels of anxiety. And not only when exposed to their phobic stimulus, but also in anticipation and even when talking about it.


The fear of flying, the dark or spiders are common and recognised phobias. However, the list is very long and includes curious objects, animals and sensations. What may be harmless for someone, generates their greatest fear for another, for example, the following rare phobias.

1. Turophobia

It is an irrational fear of cheese. And it does not mean that it is a question of taste or flavour. When a person who suffers from it is confronted with this food, they suffer the same anxiety symptoms as with any other phobia. Sometimes, it can cause tremors and panic attacks. In addition to eating it, smelling or just looking at cheese is a trigger.

2. Hylophobia

Fear of trees can be triggered by fear instilled in stories and fictions that take place in dark forests. As is common with specific phobias, it is also possible that the trigger is a childhood trauma linked to trees.

Also known as xylophobia, this condition affects places with a lot of wood and even objects made from this material.

3. Ablutofobia

Those who suffer from ablutophobia cannot tolerate showering or interacting with hygiene habits.

The excessive fear of bathing, washing or facing situations related to hygiene is known as ablutophobia. In order to avoid dealing with this, people who suffer from it tend to avoid them, which can lead to hygiene and health problems.

It is usually linked to the fear of drowning, slipping or other traumatic situations related to water. Like other phobias, it manifests itself through headaches, sweating, dizziness and tremors, among other symptoms.

4. Gamofobia

People who suffer from this fear commitment. But it does not mean that they cannot have a partner; the trauma appears when the situation of marriage is hinted at or approached. Generally, they tend to avoid it with various excuses and, if it continues, symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, drowning and nausea appear.

5. Chrometophobia

It is the fear of using and spending money. It is not a rational decision or a matter of being frugal, but the simple fact of using it leads to a set of negative feelings. These can range from anguish to anxiety.

It is common for people who suffer from chrometophobia to spend hours checking bills and expenses. Because it is an everyday activity that is difficult to avoid, chrometophobia can cause complications in social life. It is also known as crematophobia, and involves the fear of handling cash.

6. Tourismophobia

Tourismophobics cannot stand the arrival and stay of tourists in their town or city. Many of these symptoms are manifested through bad treatment of the travelers who approach them. If you have been given dirty looks on a trip to another country, it is likely that you have come across someone who suffers from this.

7. Ergofobia

Suffering stress in work situations is common. But ergophobia takes this feeling to the extreme when it comes to work relationships, presentations or evaluations.

Of course, it is a phobia that easily affects performance in different areas of life. It manifests itself through stomach pains, nausea, muscle tension and anxiety.

8. Pistanthrophobia

It reflects the fear of being hurt emotionally, whether in a friendship or a romantic relationship. For this reason, pistantrophobia makes it difficult for those who suffer from it to create new relationships. These people cannot trust others in an irrational and excessive way.

9. Uranophobia

It is a fear of the sky, but not in the literal sense of the term, that is, of looking up and seeing the clouds. The sky that is feared is the one linked to paradise or the one that many religions designate as the eternal place after death. Therefore, the phobia is related to the fear of death, and causes everything from anxiety to depression.

With information from Mejor Con Salud

#rarest #phobias #world
2024-07-23 19:33:41



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