The Radical Civic Union convention: a classic to imitate

2023-06-15 19:31:59

Latin America lives in an era of political fragmentation. The traditional parties dissolved in Peru, Chile and Ecuador, which, as we can see, gave rise to weak governments and dissatisfied societies, a fragmented representation that makes agreements impossible. Thus we verify once once more how essential it is to rebuild the parties. There are no democracies without parties. Without parties, society is left in front of a broken mirror and governments fail. For that, more good sense is required, less personalism and more team play. Argentines do not ask politics for magical solutions; they do ask for authenticity. They want the leaders to set the course clearly, not with chicanes or tactics. Policies are negotiated, authenticity is not.

For all this, the convention of the Radical Civic Union met last Monday. Because political parties must be nourished by passionate dialogues between peers, guided by values, in the search for concrete and feasible solutions. Some question the meaning of these calls, in a culture marked by a lack of reflection and impulsiveness, where it is better to impose oneself through spectacular images and slogans, rather than through the truth that emerges from reflection, study and exchange. personal and genuine. But they are wrong. The Radical Civic Union is an institution with a distinctive quality for our democratic culture: that of being a classic. For the dictionary, to be classical is to reach the plenitude of a culture and a civilization; the classic is a model worthy of imitation in any art or science.

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In this era of politics that often forgets the substance, that prefers the moment to the constant, the coup d’état to the truth; In this era of emptiness, we radicals come to reaffirm the value of a culture, today threatened by marketing and the new barbarians of the right: the culture of democracy, dialogue, solidarity, and the defense of rights. rights, social justice, progress and freedom. I left the word freedom for the end of this enumeration, not by chance, but because it has been so vexed in recent times by a trend of individualism and the threat of the Argentine wolf of the Argentine. The freedom that radicalism proclaims is an integral freedom that is accompanied by another essential value of those who were truly liberal and revolutionary. it’s not freedom o brotherhood is freedom y it’s brotherhood. It is freedom from members of a community, not freedom from ruthless competitors, where the strongest subdue the weakest. Our freedom is a freedom regulated by the institutions of democracy, not by market prices.

Our country is sick, what doubt is there? It makes no sense to blame governments, parties and leaders to try to take advantage of the past. What should matter most to us is how we are going to cure Argentina. That is why this effort to hold a convention like the one that was carried out. The technical teams of radicalism worked and will continue to work on a stabilization plan that might bring inflation down rapidly next year. It is something we have and can do; without appealing to remedies that do not cure. It would be a mistake, however, for that program to focus solely on lowering inflation. Stabilization would not be sustainable if it repeated like a mantra that it must adjust to the economy. The program should also offer Argentines a development and growth project.

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For this, the world is giving us, once once more, a great opportunity to grow.

Our specialist teams tell us that by 2030 we might double exports. It is not science fiction or magical realism. It’s getting to work to make that happen. It depends on a context that shows promise and it depends on politics, that is, that we make it possible.

Many times in politics we think of the present with categories of the past. I am convinced that it is time to think regarding the present with categories of the future.

Much progress has been made on this path, but there is still a long way to go. The unity of the opposition coalition has been a limit to the abuses of a government that is leaving. And in this time that unity should be the answer to millions of Argentines that once and for all allows development and equity that, we are sure, are linked to the sense of democracy as radicalism has always conceived it.

But, given this, the lack of agreements threatens. At times the coalition offers society a lamentable spectacle: fights that can only be explained by selfishness, personal ambition, charges and short-term pettiness. That can’t be the way. In this way we fail to comply with their true sense of politics, in addition to turning our back on the community, and we equate ourselves with those who do not want to build a government, but to appropriate the State as a spoils of war. That is not radicalism.

The lack of a clear leadership on the part of a party in the opposition space should be a reason to occupy, with lucidity and character, the place that the Radical Civic Union deserves and can have within the democratic forces. You shouldn’t be anyone’s caboose anymore. It should no longer provide the coalition, as analysts and political operators repeat, only the body that grants territoriality for others to decide, but radicalism should be the members, the torso, the heart and the brain of the coalition.

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For this, we radicals must abandon passivity and any form of opportunism. We are for more. Radicalism should no longer be anyone’s support group. It must be the main animator of the exercise of power in Argentina. This is how the true radical leaders set the course throughout history.

The magnitude of the task that lies ahead requires an immense majority of men and women who, without pettiness or sectarianism, can guide Argentina forever towards development and prosperity. In this sense, the place of origin is less important than the place of destination.

The convention of radicalism demonstrated that ideas and programs can be discussed, not people, places, or coarse tactics. And that something fundamental must be preserved in this construction: that the end, no matter how noble it may be, can never justify the means. And even less if these media injure other compatriots.

Last Monday our party convention debated and approved a government program that is the fruit of the long-term work of highly trained men and women. That is one of the main prides that we must ponder: our platform must be that reliable compass that every country needs to go somewhere. The other pride is that we are prepared to carry it forward.

The author is president of the National Convention of the Radical Civic Union.
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