The Race Against the… Center. Conte, the Anti-Renzi U-turn and the Flirt with Meloni –

Edward Sirignano

Operation center. This is how we can define Giuseppe Conte’s strategy to reclaim that moderate electorate that does not identify with the forces that support Giorgia Meloni at Palazzo Chigi. The 5-star strategist knows well that the space on the left is saturated. In the “red tank” of consensus, water is scarce and is well divided between the new maximalist PD of Elly Schlein and the left of Fratoianni-Bonelli. For the yellows, therefore, there is little, very little, left. This is why that Giolitti 2.0 who, like the best tailor, manages to sew the suit depending on who wears it, once again, adapts to the measures of the coalition. Here the only space to expand, at the moment, is that void left by mother DC, which the various Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi have not been able to fill. The latter, in particular after the newfound feeling with Elly and the never forgotten Nazareno, has created more than a few enemies among the anti-comrades.

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The clever Giuseppì, a champion in seizing the right moment, has noticed this, and he makes yet another change and thus returns to being that new De Gasperi, as someone had nicknamed him in the days of Covid. In fact, there are real prairies there, which certainly cannot be occupied by Marratin alone. The plan, therefore, is: to take the votes of the Catholics, while remaining in that opposition, which, in order to return to being a majority, cannot do without him. By becoming the right of the coalition, then, he would become a natural interlocutor for Meloni and therefore we would return to sit at that negotiating table, until the day before yesterday occupied by Matteo della Leopolda. Enthusiastic, in this sense, both those members of the Northern League who have already gone to government with Conte, and those loyalists of the Prime Minister who have always talked with the former Prime Minister when it came to making important decisions. See the promotion of the pentastellata Floridia to the presidency of the Rai supervisory commission or that ever-present Bonafede to the presidency council of the tax justice. All of this, however, done with extreme caution.

Renzi's message to Conte: We need votes, not vetoes. The broad field plan

Conte, in fact, knows well that to survive he must remain in the broad field. A 5 Star Movement outside of two blocks would only suit Grillo. Impossible to beat him on this front. The Genoese comedian, without a shadow of a doubt, is the natural aggregator of that world that does not recognize itself in traditional parties. The founder, not by chance, is focusing his war at the top, precisely on the cornerstones of the origins, the no to alliances, to the double mandate, to all those things that would make his creature similar to the parties of the system. A system, instead, in which that professor turned strategist knows how to navigate perfectly. When it comes to placing his own, Conte is no longer inferior to the best Franceschini. Reason why he is aiming straight for the consensus of his Margherita, of that crossed shield, tired of bowing her head to her comrades in exchange for a few crumbs. A silent feeling that, if intercepted, can become more dangerous than that “Vaffa”, which no longer surprises anyone and with which you can cause trouble, gain visibility, but certainly not return to Piazza Colonna.

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#Race #the.. #Center #Conte #AntiRenzi #Uturn #Flirt #Meloni #Tempo
2024-08-28 10:36:12



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