The rabbi’s son drowned in the sea; His father mourned him in tears

The late Moshe Gafni (photo: courtesy of the family)

Mourners and headscarves escorted crowds last night (Sabbath night Pinchas) at midnight to the resting place of the important young man Moshe Gafni, the late son of Yablchata HaGaon, Rabbi Meir Gafni, rabbi of the Yitzhak Temple in Modi’in Illit, who tragically and difficultly died after drowning in seas and he was 21 years old at the time of his death.

The full and chilling obituary of Rabbi Meir Gafni (photo: Itamar Kirshboim)

The late deceased was born in Modi’in Illit in the year 5773 to his father Rabbi Meir Gafni Shivlahta Rabbi of the central Beit Midrash ‘Hichal Yitzchak’ in Kiryat Safar.

By choice, he studied at a yeshiva in Or Yehuda. On Friday, he went to the beach with his friends, where he drowned. The rescue forces evacuated him to the hospital where they had to pronounce him dead at the height of his prime.

His passing shocked all of his many acquaintances and friends and the worshipers of the Yitzchak Temple synagogue in Kiryat Safar, the large shtiblach of the ultra-orthodox city.

(Photo: Itamar Kirchboim)

(Photo: Itamar Kirchboim)

His father, Rabbi Gafni, gave a chilling eulogy, when he said goodbye to his beloved son who passed away suddenly.

He is survived by his parents Sheikhai’ and 10 brothers and sisters.

His funeral was held last night (Holy Shabbat night, Parshat Pinchas) at the Rehovot cemetery where he was buried.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

Advertisement for the funeral procession and the days of the seven days (photo: courtesy of the photographer)



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