The questions I ask myself to take stock of 2023 and prepare for 2024! — Fashion and The City

2023-12-21 10:52:05

Hello everyone ! I hope you are well at the end of 2023! Like every year at this time, I really like to take the time to take stock of my year and define intentions for the following year!

I just recorded a podcast episode on this topic, in which I explain to you precisely my process for taking stock of the year that is ending and thinking about what I want to create for the coming year. In this episode, I listed, among other things, questions that you can ask yourself to take stock of 2023 and create your year 2024. I have written them down for you in this article, for ease but I highly recommend listening to my podcast episode in parallel, for even more keys and tools!

Of course, these questions are food for thought and not all of them may resonate with you! You can answer several questions, all of the questions, a single question and of course, ask your own questions too! Besides, Do not hesitate to comment under this article to share your own thoughts/questions and enrich this article!

Take stock of 2023:

  • If I had to sum up my year in 3 key words, what would they be?
  • 2023 was the year when….
  • My 3 favorite memories of 2023 are…. If you have trouble finding or remembering things, you can also look at your photos in your phone to remind yourself of everything that happened in the past year.
  • In 2023, what went well? What went less well?
  • What lessons have I learned in 2023? Here, it’s a good way to see what certain challenges or difficulties may have brought us in hindsight.
  • When I found myself faced with something that seemed insurmountable at the time (although it may not be so now), what was it and how did I overcome it?
  • In 2023, what were my habits? The ones that served me? Those who served me?
  • What have I invested my time in this year? My energy? My money ?
  • What have I learned about myself in 2023?
  • What risks were I afraid of taking in 2023 and why?
  • Who could I count on the most in 2023?
  • What were my 2023 accomplishments in the following categories: Personal Development & Growth, Professional Career, Relationships, Health & Wellness, Money & Finance, Leisure & Entertainment. If you want to add other categories, don’t hesitate!
  • When did I feel the best version of myself in 2023? What was I doing, who was I with, etc.
  • What new have I tried this year? How did it go, would I do it again? If yes, why ? If not why ?
  • How am I a different person today than I was at this time last year?
  • 3 things I decide to leave in 2023…

I love this retrospective exercise: I find that we often have the impression that things are stagnating or not progressing as quickly as we would like, but when we really take the time to look back, we realize how much we have evolved and worked in a year! I find that super encouraging!

Prepare for 2024:

Once I have taken stock of the year, I will look at what I want to build and create for the coming year by defining my intentions, my desires, my dreams for the year. Personally, I no longer talk about resolutions but about intentions for several years and it is for me more inspiring and less associated with a form of pressure to operate in this way!

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Here are some ideas to guide you:

  • The word of the year! I love the idea of ​​choosing a word or theme for your year! In 2022 I chose the word trust, in 2023 the word “embody”. For 2024 I chose the word “redefine”!
  • 2024 will be the year when….
  • What do I want to start doing? What do I want to stop doing? What do I want to continue doing?
  • What categories of my life do I want to prioritize in 2024? Personal development & growth, professional career, relationships, health & wellness, money & finances, leisure & entertainment. If you would like to add other categories, do not hesitate!
  • What are my goals for 2024? You can list one or more objectives per category, using the categories listed previously, or define new ones!
  • What do I want to invest my time in in 2024? My energy? My money ?
  • What do I want to become an expert in this year?
  • What do I take from 2023 and take with me to 2024? What am I leaving behind?
  • What do I want “more” of in 2024? More free time, more family time, more travel, more money etc.
  • Who do I want to be in 2024? I really like the concept of the “Favorite Self”, in French “the favorite version of oneself” (which I discovered on the Youtube account of this creator that I really like): imagine our favorite version of oneself- even in the smallest details: what are his habits? How does she behave in her relationships? In the professional environment? How does she take care of herself? How does she relax? How does she dress? Where is she going on vacation? What its interior looks like etc. ?
  • What would I be proud to have accomplished when I look back on my year in December 2024? (this can be very small things)

Once you have answered all these questions, it should be quite simple for you to identify a list of intentions for the coming year! There is no number to reach, you do as you want, I generally have around ten intentions, but you can do more or less. You can reread my intentions for the year 2023 (I am still finalizing those for 2024), if that can inspire you!

I hope these thoughts will be useful to you and don’t forget to listen to my podcast episode in parallel for even more advice and tools to build a life aligned with your aspirations and dreams in 2024!

#questions #stock #prepare #Fashion #City

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