The Puebla Group denounces a “legal war” against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner | The document was signed by Dilma Rousseff, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Rafael Correa and Fernando Lugo, among others.

The Puebla Group, which brings together political leaders from Latin America and Spain, spoke out once morest the “lawfare” that is being carried out once morest the vice president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, in the framework of the trial for alleged irregularities in public works between 2003 and 2015. The statement states that it is “a process riddled with contradictions and motivated by dark political interests of powerful economic conglomerates.” In addition, it warns regarding “the serious risks that it entails for Argentine democracy.”

The document was signed by 26 political leaders of the Ibero-American left and progressivism. Among them are the former president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff; the former head of the government of Spain Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero; the former president of Colombia Ernest Samperas well as their peers from Ecuador, Rafael Correaand of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo.

Some of them acknowledge having been the object of similar persecution in their respective countries. “This case confirms the risky but unfortunately common trend in other cases in Latin America once morest former presidents such as Luis Inácio “Lula” da Silva, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales and Dilma Rousseff, with a common denominator: retaliation for their work on the side of progressivism. “warn the members of the Puebla Group.

The vice president is tried in a process in which alleged crimes related to the concession of public works tenders for Roads in Santa Cruz during the three terms of Kirchnerism are investigated. The prosecutor in the case, Diego Luciani, accused the defendants of forming an “illicit association”, of which CFK would be the most responsible, despite the fact that the testimonies and the evidence produced during the trial do not support the accusation.

From the Frente de Todos, as well as from numerous social and human rights organizations, they rejected the persecution once morest Fernández de Kirchner. By case, the Vice Minister of Justice, Juan Martín Mena, said that the prosecutor formulated a “cinematic argument, too coached”, in which he followed “a script that has nothing to do with the operation of an oral and public trial “.

In addition to the aforementioned former heads of state, the declaration of the Puebla Group was also signed by former foreign ministers Celso Amorim (Brazil), Ricardo Patiño (Ecuador) and Gillaume Long (also from Ecuador), the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia Bárcena; the Chilean benchmark and former presidential candidate for the Progressive Party Marco Enríquez-Ominami; and the former mayor of Montevideo and former candidate for the Presidency of Uruguay for the Broad Front, Daniel Martínez, among others.



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