The public service users movement was created to demand fair rates




July 16, 2024 11:39 AM

This Tuesday, the Ministry of Mines and Energy reported that the National Users Movement of public services was established in Bogotá to fight “for tariff justice and the democratization of energy for the different territories.”

(We suggest: This year there will be more than a thousand energy communities: what are they and what advantages do they have?)

This movement was created following 80 representatives from 37 regions of the country met in the Margarita González auditorium of the National University as part of the National Public Service Users Committee.

From this meeting, the National Movement emerged with the objective to “promote structural changes to the services law and energy rates.” This is happening shortly before the Energy portfolio and the Government present the reform to laws 142 and 143 of 1994 that established the conditions and rules for the provision of public services, especially electricity.

(Of interest: How much will energy rates drop on the Caribbean coast in the coming days?)

Minister of Mines and Energy Andrés Camacho, during the National Committee of Users of Public Services


During this meeting, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Andrés Camacho, participated and will be in charge of presenting the bases of this project on July 20, which will be presented to Congress.

“We must transform 30 years of neoliberalism in which public services were handed over to the market and they were not given to the people as a right. It is the users who must act autonomously and in constituent power. You can count on us to support you. This Ministry is at your service so that you can consolidate the defense of the energy transition.”, Camacho noted in this context.





July 16, 2024 11:39 AM

This Tuesday, The Ministry of Mines and Energy reported that the National Users Movement was established in Bogotá of public services in order to fight “for tariff justice and the democratization of energy for the different territories“.

(We suggest: This year there will be more than a thousand energy communities: what are they and what advantages do they have?)

This movement was created following 80 representatives from 37 regions of the country will meet in the Margarita González auditorium of the National University within the framework of the CNational Public Service Users omitted.

From this meeting The National Movement emerged with the objective promote structural changes to the services law and energy rates“This is happening shortly before the Energy portfolio and the Government present the reform to laws 142 and 143 of 1994 that established the conditions and rules of the game for the provision of public services and especially electricity.

(Of interest: How much will energy rates drop on the Caribbean coast in the coming days?)

Minister of Mines and Energy Andrés Camacho, during the National Committee of Users of Public Services


In this meeting The Minister of Mines and Energy, Andrés Camacho, participated and will be in charge of presenting the bases of this project on July 20. which will be presented to Congress.

We must transform 30 years of neoliberalism in which public services were handed over to the market and they were not given to the people as a right. It is the users who must act autonomously and in constituent power. You can count on us to support you. This Ministry is at your service so that you can consolidate the defense of the energy transition.“, Camacho noted in this context.




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