The PSOE expels Juan Luis Cepa and claims that he was not aware of the nature of the investigation

The PSOE of Castile and Leon opened expulsion file against former Salamanca prosecutor Juan Luis Cepaafter learning of the investigation opened by the High Court of Justice of Castilla y León (TSJCyL) for an alleged crime of sexual assault of a minor. Socialist formation claims to be unaware the facts up to the communication sent by the High Court.

The Secretary of Organization of the PSCyL, Ana Sánchez, who said she felt “deeply outraged” for acts that he condemned outright and that he assured that his training did not know about “until the very moment” in what el TSJCyL sent a statement informing about the nature and character of the events.

“Zero tolerance for this type of behavior”argued the Secretary of Organization of the PSCyL, who He assured that it was not until Monday when the party learned that the case had been opened against Cepa It is for alleged sexual assault of a minor, for which a file has been opened for his expulsion from membership after the person under investigation resigned from all his organic positions in the party and from his position as attorney.

Nevertheless, Sanchez clarified that last Friday,The Secretary General of the PSOE in Salamanca, David Serrada, “It comes to him that the person under investigation may be under a judicial investigation, but does not know what kind or nature. For this reason, Serrada contacted Cepa, according to Sánchez, to remind him “the high level of ethical demands” of the PSOE with those under judicial investigation.

“He (Cepa) asks for time until Monday and that is when we learn of his personal resignation and, half an hour later, the confirmation of the TSJ investigation through the press release,” The Secretary of Organization of the PSCyL maintains that, upon learning the nature of the investigation, “The only thing in our hands was to expel him.”


On a personal level, Sánchez showed himself “deeply outraged” for a situation that I would never have wanted to experience and that affects a party, the PSOE of Castilla y León.

“The mood is one of pain and total and absolute incomprehension”since “these behaviors have no place” in the organization, according to Sanchez

Regarding the development of the judicial investigation, Sánchez said that justice will have to do its job but hoped that “Let what happened be clarified, let it be taken to the final consequences and, if such repugnant facts are confirmed, let the full weight of the law fall on those responsible”.

For the moment, the Secretary of Organization of the PSCyL did clarify that she has not spoken with Cepa nor is she going to do so, since “It is in court where he will have to speak and try to defend himself if he can.”


On the mood of the secretary general of the PSCyL, Luis Tudanca, The Socialist Organization Secretary recalled that “He is a man with a special sensitivity and whose fight in defense of the rights of the most vulnerable is well known,” hence “He condemns and rejects this, just like the rest of his colleagues, and feels deep indignation and pain over this fact”.

Finally, regarding the person who will replace Juan Luis Cepa in the Cortes, Sánchez reported that he will speak with the following person: on the PSOE list for Salamanca, Carmen García Romero.



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